The Verdan Chronicles: What's Next?
As promised, some time over the next week I hope to make Volume 1, The Fourth Age available for purchase in paperback and downloadable format through It will be self-published and available on demand. I'll add a link to this site for anyone wishing to purchase. I will do whatever I can to keep the cost as low as possible. The preview chapters will still be available for download on this site.
By the end of March I hope to make Volume 2, Dark Passages available in the same manner. That should bring everyone pretty much up to date with my current works. I am still busy writing Volume 3, which will bring to a conclusion the war against Terek. In April, I plan to announce the title and more details of the third volume, along with a timeline of when it will be published.
For anyone who enjoys these adventures, Volume 3 will not be the last you hear of Verdan. There will be more stories to tell and a Volume 4 will also be published, either late this year or early in 2011. Thanks again to everyone who's checked out the sight and provided any encouragement to me to continue these tales. Probably more than anyone, I enjoy discovering what these characters will do next.

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