Lost in Thought
Sunday, October 11, 2015 at 8:04AM

Been a while since I posted, so just thought I'd drop some random musings.

Still waiting for Lulu to send me their draft of Heroes of Bardoom.  Not sure how long it will take for me to review.  It usually takes 1-2 weeks.  After that, it's usually a few more weeks until everything is finally published.  Still, it should be out there as an early Christmas present.

Been carrying around a notebook and pen for random moments at converntions or waiting rooms to jot down some new material.  If I live to see the original nine book story published, I'm more convinced that Volume 10 may see the light of day.  It's title will be Whisper in the Universe.  That's all I'll say about it right now.

I can't imagine being the only author who's had random daydreams about wondering what their work would look like if translated to the big or small screen.  When I first started writing, I quickly put those thoughts aside feeling that the level of magic and epic nature of some of my storylines would be prohibitive.  But I've seen some pretty amazing stuff lately and think the technology is there.  I really do think the story is as good as anything else being produced, so it would really come down to directing, cast decisions and screenplay adaptation.  Still it could be done.

Do I think Verdan Chronicles would make "must watch" viewing.  Maybe.  Again, depends upon choices made.  The story is there.  But some gaps would need to be filled.  I think the most difficult aspect would be comparisons to shows like Game of Thrones.  It's not the same, but genre-wise would be a likely comparision.  I think GOT is so brilliantly done that I fear not only my work, but anything that resembles it will pale in comparison.  Would hate to be viewed as a cheap knock-off.  Although, in my case I feel pretty comfortable saying my story was born well before GOT was published.   If someone wants to date the original paper and ink, I still have the most of the first book's original draft from over 35 years ago.

I can't wait for the remaining volumes to be published.  The series somewhat resets itself every three volumes and never more than the where the story goes in Volume 7.  When I daydream about translating my story to other media, I think volumes 7, 8 and 9 could stand on their own and are original enough that there's nothing I've seen on television that would be an accurate comparison.  At least not yet.  But I also think there are enough fantastic storytellers out there that it won't be long.  Too bad no one really has seen my story.  Sigh.

For the first time in many years I may not be at San Diego Comic Con in 2016.  I'm already starting to go through withdrawal at the prospect.  It's not really a convention for everyone, but if you love pop culture, I encourage you to try it at least once in your life.  I know, many people try, but only a few are allowed to attend.  I wonder if it will stay that way or will the appeal of these conventions eventually diminish?

Winter is coming.  It's true, but I also can't say that any more without thinking GOT.  I'm not really a cold weather person and miss those periods of outdoor activity.

Amy and I have been discussing the cover for Volume 4.  I think we've settled on an overall subject and theme.  I can't wait to see her interpretation.  I'm really hoping to move forward on Volume 4 as soon as Volume 3 is done.

Thanks for reading.  I hope anyone who sees this continues to work on their own aspirations.  If you'd like to share any of your thoughts, don't hesitate to comment.

Article originally appeared on Verdan Chronicles (http://verdanchronicles.com/).
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