Links to Lulu
Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 1:27AM

I believe I may have figured out how to add a link to sites carrying my books.  I encourage you to try them out.  Below are some of the ebook formats.

ebook format of The Fourth Age at 


 The Fourth Age: Verdan Chronicles: Volume 1

 Click on the image below and it should take you to purchase the Kindle version.


 And here's the Barnes and Noble version for you Nook.

The Fourth Age: Verdan Chronicles: Volume 1


Alright, so now I can add images and links to their corresponding websites.  Also, please feel free to check out the Verdan Chronicies offering in the iBookstore.

One last note:  Final review of Dark Passages is complete.  It's in the hands of Lulu and I expect it to be available for purchase in the next week or two.  It will likely be next month before it's available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. 

Article originally appeared on Verdan Chronicles (
See website for complete article licensing information.