Happy Holidays - Status of the Chronicles (Updated)
Monday, December 26, 2016 at 11:19AM

I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday season, regardless of which holiday you celebrate.  Christmas 2016 is almost in the rearview mirror and I thought it might be a good time to reflect on just where I'm at in this series.  I posted a blog over a year ago and have been periodically editing it (with a link in the discussion forum).  I thought it was time to reproduce it in a blog and preface it with some commentary.

For those who aren't familiar with the origins or this tale, let's just say that the Verdan Chronicles has been bouncing around in my head for over thirty years.  About eight or nine years ago I decided that before my life ends I really wanted to see the story on paper and see how it all plays it.  And so I spent seven years writing nine books and through my son I toyed with self-publishing them so that I (and a few friends) could experience them first hand.

That part of the journey ended almost two years ago and since them I've been focused on doing the best job I can self-publishing and then seeing if there is any interest from others in reading them.  So, here's where I'm at.



So there's the commentary.  Below are the details.

The Fourth Age

Dark Passages

Heroes of Bardoom

Broken Circle

Against All Gods

Council's End

Out of Time

Blood and Magic

The Fifth Age

Whisper in the Universe (working title for volume 10)

Last Updated on February 18, 2017

Article originally appeared on Verdan Chronicles (http://verdanchronicles.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.