Happy Mother's Day
Sunday, May 8, 2016 at 7:40AM

Here's wishing the happiest of days to all the mother's out there.  It is your compassion, wisdom and strength which makes many of us the people we are today.  Most especially, I hope that my wife and mother to my two sons enjoys this special day.

I don't talk much about holidays in Verdan.  Perhaps I'll cover that more in the future.  Certainly they do not celebrate Christmas, Easter or any of the other religious hoiidays found on Earth.  But I would like to think they celebrate mothers and fathers every bit as much as we do.

In honor of today, I'd like to give special mention to some of Verdan's most honored mothers.  But be forewarned, in order to do so will require mention of their significance to the story.  So...SPOILERS AHEAD!  Proceed at your own peril.

Perhaps the most honored mother in the story is Carina.  Her two daughters, Tathiel and Celecia, are central to the events in Verdan.  While Tathiel's life takes a tragic turn, Celecia's journey is at the crux of the chronicles being told.  Carina loves her daughters very much and has sacrificed a lot to try and keep them safe.  Her actions exemplify the tough decisions that mothers often need to make.  Whether right or wrong, what mother could do more?

And then there is Silessa, Queen of the Darkwood Elves.  She is mother to the princes Amlach and Warbow and the princess Tamara.  She loves each of them in a manner of speaking.  And even though some of the relationships she has with her children are contentuous, she is still willing at the end of the day to place their welfare above her own.

Some characters (names witheld) will become mothers during the course of their adventure.  It is an event that will change their lives and their perspectives.  Yet others will long for motherhood and be denied its blessing.  It will shape their actions.

Perhaps the most powerful mother in the story is Phaedra, the oldest dragon and hope of her race.  She will go to war to safeguard her brood and puts nothing ahead of their existence.  Her actions confirm that a mother's love is not reserved for humans and elves.

So Happy Mother's Day!  Set aside today and honor the mother in your life.  Tomorrow we can get back to enjoying the Chronicles.  :-)

Article originally appeared on Verdan Chronicles (http://verdanchronicles.com/).
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