The Fourth Age Giveaways
Just a quick update. The GoodReads Giveaway of Volume 1 - The Fourth Age ends in less than three hours. I didn't know what to expect, but am humbly surprised the entrants have hit 1228 as of the time of this blog. Even more encouraging are the 389 people who have added the book to their "to read" list. It's probably more than that given the delayed update in these totals. I wish all the entrants good luck and hope you are not disappointed with book.
One of the highlights of the day has been the addition of a new review by someone named Valencia.
I haven't actually read this book but the design looks amazing and I'm dying to read it! I'll update my review when i do!! Can't wait!
I could not agree more regarding the design. I can't thank Amy Nagi enough for working her magic on the covers. I usually send her a few ideas in order of preference, she offers her suggestions and then I finalize the cover subject. I send her some excerpts from the book describing the subject. By the time I get her initial sketches I am astounded by how close it resembles the picture in my head. I'm still trying to figure out how she does that. She's amazing.
For those unaware, I have also initiated a second giveaway on Amazon for 10 kindle versions of the first book to be given away next Sunday night. I started this two days ago and already have over 400 entrants. If nothing else, I can no longer say that no one has heard of the book. Good or bad, I may find out soon what others think. It's both scary and exciting. If you do start this journey and you find any aspect of the first book interesting, I encourage you to stick with it. Each volume peels back more layers of the characters and the plot. If you think you have it all figured out, think again.
I encourage everyone to leave me a note or ask a question in the discussion forum. If you do read the book and have specific questions, please put "SPOILER" in the subject. I will respond as quickly as I'm able. Below is the link to the Amazon giveaway.
The Fourth Age: Verdan Chronicles Volume 1 Amazon Giveaway
Edit: The Goodreads giveaway has ended. Congratulations to the ten winners! I sincerely hope you enjoy the book. In the end, 1279 people entered the giveaway.
For any authors out there, I am told that these giveaways do eventually result in sales, but we'll have to wait and see. Of course entrants are not likely to buy anything until the giveaway ends and then there are significant lags between the time of a sale and when any author royalties are reported back to lulu. The only sales I would know about immediately are those made at With other retailers like Amazon or Barnes and Noble it can be several days to several weeks before you see the results.

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