Sort of. Almost 40 years ago I started dreaming about a world of dragons and wizards. I wanted to play in that world, but life had other things in store for me. But that world was never far from my thoughts, just a little dormant. I'd dust it off now and then, but then it would go right back into hibernation.
About ten years ago I became serious about writing the story. It's not that I had to see how it would end. I knew how it would end forty years ago and time did nothing to change my mind on the end. So this week I send my final approvals to Lulu for Volume 9. Technically, its out there. It just isn't made public until I receive a final review copy and approve it. After all the reviews done to date, the changes I won't approve it are pretty miniscule.
It may take another week to ten days for me to get that copy. But once I do I expect to sign off and have the softcover available on Lulu within minutes. So if you're looking for an enjoyable read this summer, might I recommend the Verdan Chronicles? I don't think you'll be disappointed and it may surprise you a few times along the way. So far The Fourth Age has five reader reviews with an average score of 4.6 out of 5. This week I got my first reader review on Dark Passages and it was a 5 out of 5. I understand not everyone will feel the same, but stick with it and I dare you to name a more epic serices.
So enjoy the summer. I will likely blog again when the ninth book hits retail outlets. And as for that "sort of" comment. Well, while the first nine books constitute the entire story I wanted to tell, I've come up with some new adventures for the heroes of Verdan. I've currently finished the first four chapters, but with my crazy schedule this one might not be done until next year. In the meantime, I will plan to preview the first chapter or two on this site. Look for it towards the end of the month.