Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 6:03AM

Let's take a break from the publishing and marketing discussions and talk about the Verdan Chronicles for a bit.  The Facebook page is picking up new followers every day, so I'd like to do an introduction to the series through the perspective of one of the main protagonists of the Verdan Chronicles, Celecia.

When we first meet Celecia, she's a 17 year old young lady.  She has brown hair, brown eyes and is considered quite attractive.  At the age of 2, her father took her and went into self-exile within a small village in far western Falmead.  It's the only home she's known.  Her father never fully explained why he went into exile, but she believes it has something to do with her mother's death.  Her father, Arakon, was once considered the greatest wizard in the land, but he stopped going on adventures when he came to this village and focused on raising his daughter.

Celecia is also a wizard.  She's still young and learning, but she's been learning from one of the best wizards in history.  She loves her father very much and besides her training has taken on most of the household chores.  Her father may not look it (wizards age more slowly than most), but he is almost 100 years old.  He's been very careful in his training of Celecia, and in her opinion has advanced her studies more slowly than she'd like.

Life in the village has been relatively quiet.  There are few others of Celecia's age, thus everyone knows everyone else.  One of Celecia's closest friends is Dakoran.  His father runs the inn next door to her home and she feels comfortable around him.  His closest friend, Mriccon, is the son of a rancher.  He's more brash and outgoing than Dakoran.  She considers both boys handsome, but on those occasions she fantasizes more intimacy, it is with Mriccon.

Of late, Celecia has been having disturbing dreams.  In those dreams she hears an unknown voice insisting that she needs to leave her home and return to her birthplace to defend freedom and stop a great evil.  And thus, she is not surprised when an injured knight arrives in town and requests that her father return to his homeland.  Over her father's objection she insists on joining him and thus her adventure begins.

Throughout the series you will find Celecia to be a determined and resilient young woman.  She will uncover hidden truths about her past and bear more than her share of tragedy.  Yet she will also be a beacon of hope and optimism.  Relationships will change and she will also find joy in life.  In the end, she is as strong and inspiring as any character (male or female) in the series.  Yet there will also remain a little bit of a girl in her that I hope some may find relateable.

So that's Celecia.  If you follow her story you'll be following the heart of the Verdan Chronicles.  I think you'll enjoy it.


Article originally appeared on Verdan Chronicles (http://verdanchronicles.com/).
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