Hi. If you've been here before, welcome back. If not, then welcome to your first visit to the website created for the Verdan Chronicles.
First, I know very little about websites. My son created the initial design about ten years ago. I've just been coming out here every month or so and posting whatever's on my mind. You'll find a lot of stuff if you explore the site, but some hasn't been updated in a few years. (I'm looking at you "Art" page). I'll try to correct that in the coming weeks. The blogs are kind of chaotic and range from insight into how Verdan 'works' to thoughts and plans around my journey as an author.
Second, I've added this welcome due to the addition of a new page that may generate some traffic. You'll see it titled as "Preview". Right now it contains the current draft to Chapter 1 of Balance of War. If it generates any interest, I may post another chapter every so often until the book is ready to publish, which is being planned for summer of 2020.
That's it for now. The latest news can always be found on VerdanChronicles Facebook page. Hope to hear from you soon.