Prolog - This part is not in the book, but intended for those who want to sample "Balance of War" without having read the prior books.  I want to give you just enough context so that you're not totally lost.  It also provides a very high level primer for those who may be interested in the series.

WARNING - This prolog does contain some spoilers, but I've kept them at a high level and think you'll find more than enough surprises if you actually read the books.  Here goes...

Overview - Verdan is a distant planet within a mythical universe.  Earth exists in this universe, but whether this is some alternate reality or parallel dimension, I'll let the reader decide.  Suffice to say that magic exists in this universe, as do divine miracles.  The Jyrans are an ancient race from the planet Syn'woc Jyr that have ascended to a level of existence that transcends a physical presence.  But millions of years ago they learned that they were not immortal.  No longer able to procreate physcially, they use their power and intelligence to seed life on thousands of planets.  Verdan is one such planet.  They watch over their creations in the form of 'gods' and look for unique individuals they deem worthy to ascend to their level, thus repopulating their species.

The Ak'turians come from the planet Ak'turi.  They were once a creation of the Jyrans, but eventually learned they were being manipulated for the purpose of only a select few being allowed to join the Jyrans.  With their advanced technology they rebelled against their creators and a war ensued.  The Ak'turi planet was eventually destroyed and the remnants of their civilization became space nomads.  They continue to fight the Jyrans across the cosmos.  Some of their advanced technology has been lost over the years.

Celecia is a powerful wizard from Verdan's past that the Jyrans deem necessary to stop another imminent threat.  As part of the 'gods' plan she was taken and sent to Verdan's future.  But her husband followed and she now has a family and no desire to 'ascend'.  Many of the world leaders in Verdan have fought for years to reduce or eliminate magic.  They see Celecia as a threat.  Magic is shifting the balance of world power.

Tensions finally come to a head.  Celecia summons the world leaders, the Ak'turi and the Jyrans to a peace summit in the elven country of Argenta.  However, a secret alliance between Ak'turi and the president of Chenoa unites them against the Jyrans.  They arrive at the peace summit and immediately attack.  A 'god' is killed and Celecia is taken down.  A nuclear attack is launched against Celecia's home country and an attempt is made to abduct her children.  And thus begins "Balance of War".  


Balance of War - Verdan Chronicles Volume 11 - CHAPTER 1

Aira leaned back in her chair and reached for her energy drink.  The can felt light.  She shook it.  Empty.  She thought about asking for another, but fought the urge.  She couldn’t suppress an unwarranted fear, that if she bothered anyone, the dream would come to an end.

Of course, this had to be a dream.  There was no other explanation that made sense. Little more than a month ago she was an unemployed high school graduate spending most of her time in her parent’s basement.

And then suddenly she had a job…no, it was better than that, she owned a company.  She got mixed up in the affairs of a freakin’ god, and then she was sent to a planet in a distant galaxy…some messed up place called Earth.  She finally found a way back to Verdan, only to find she’s a pawn in some intergalactic peace process.  Now she’s living in the Izmiran Palace and there were servents waiting for her next command.  So naturally, this must be a dream.

And it was, wasn’t it? Sure, all those things were true. But it was no longer her story. It was Sam’s.  She may have given birth to the sentient computer program, but with exponential growth, it was only a matter of days before he evolved into something beyond her ability to even understand.  The funny thing is that Sam still looked to her for guidance.  At least it would be funny, if she found a reason to laugh.

Energy drinks aside, she was tired of searching the net for news.  It amazed her that the world seemed to know so little about current events and the arrival of the Ak’turi.  The thought sparked another idea.  “Sam?”

The speaker attached to the computer came to life.  “Aira, please use your communication device.”

The response puzzled her, but Sam’s instructions were always for her benefit, so she complied. The referred to comm device was one of those newer models that attached to the ear.  She picked up the device and placed it in her right ear. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Aira, I’m going to stay with you as long as I can.  But you must listen to me.”

“Huh?” Aira’s eye twitch was back.  “Sam you’re scaring me.”

Without pause, Sam continued.  “Aira, get dressed, go to the children’s wing and find Mr. Willard or Ms. Morris.  Tell them everyone must immediately head for the palace bunker.”

Aira quickly slipped on some sneakers and headed for the door.  She was starting to panic and was struggling to recall just where the children slept.  It was close, wasn’t it?  “Sam, what’s wrong?”

“Chenoa and the Ak’turi have launched an attack.  Izmiran radar hasn’t picked them up yet, but three helicopters are headed for the palace.  I believe they intend to take the children.”

Aira picked up her pace.  She thought the rooms were just around the next corner.  “But you can protect us, right?  With magic.”

“The Ak’turi are using electromagnetic weapons to cause blackouts.  They are unlike any I’ve seen before.  I’m still trying to determine how to shield us from their effect.”

In the distance, Aira thought she could hear the helicopters approach. And then she saw a familiar face.  It was Nadir Willard.  “Mr. Willard, it’s Aira…Aira Page.  We need to take the children to the bunker.”

Nadir was trying to process Aira’s statement.  The sun was hovering just above the horizon and he was overseeing activities to prepare the palace for nightfall, while also trying to stay aware of events in Argenta.  He knew the latter was futile, as the peace conference was not being broadcast.  However, there were reports coming out of Crysalis of activity and several security agents rushing toward the building where the conference was being held.  That was all he knew. 

And then they all heard gunshots ring out from the palace courtyard.  There was no longer a question in regards to the urgency of Aira’s request.  Aira reached out to her lifeline.  “Sam?”  And then the power went out and they were all plunged into the limited light of dusk.

 Nadir’s mind was absorbing input from multiple sources. Precious seconds passed, but he realized that Aira’s warning took precedence.  “Ms. Morris, please gather the children at once.  Ms. Page, would you kindly assist her?”

“Of course.”  Aira heard more gunshots. They were closer.  She prayed they weren’t too late.


The vidscreen in Aly’s room went dark. Aly was desperate to find something to keep her mind busy. Fictional comedies or dramas couldn’t hold her attention.  News channels were talking non-stop about the peace conference in Argenta.  But other than knowing it started moments ago, they reported nothing new. Anything else was speculation and Aly’s mind provided her with more than enough of that.

Aly wondered if a shower, or perhaps a hot bath, would help her relax. She thought about reaching out to Alex.  She was relieved that he was away from the Izmiran palace, but she still couldn’t shake this nearly overwhelming feeling of dread.  She hated getting visions.  They were nearly all warnings about something bad about to happen.  Couldn’t she get a vision just once about a winning lottery number?

It would be dark soon.  Maybe a nice bottle of wine would help? Aly heard popping noises in the distance. Gunshots?  Her room was not situated adjacent to the palace courtyard, but it sounded like they might be coming from that direction. There they were again.  It was definitely gunshots.  “Oh, my gods! The children!”

Aly grabbed a jacket and then the entire palace went dark. She ran into the hallway.  Fading sunlight let her eyes adjust quickly.  She’d been here often enough that she could probably navigate in the dark.  She wasn’t that far from the children’s rooms, but by the time she got there, she found a contingent of people ready to depart.  “Nadir, is everyone safe?”

“Ma’am, we’re headed for the bunker, you are welcome to join us?”

Aly realized that the bunker was located in an adjacent building.  “What about the dungeons below us?  They’re closer.”

“But less secure.  Security will be waiting for us at the bunker.”

And if whoever is attacking us knows the layout of the palace, then they’ll also know that’s where you’ll go, thought Aly.  Still, she knew better than to waste time trying to convince Nadir to break protocol.  More gunshots rang out.  This time they were in the building.

Nadir led the way holding tight to Ruan’s hand.  Chyou was next with Mikol cradled in her arms.  Aira was helping Elise.  That left Aly free to deal with any surprises. It didn’t take long. Two security guards backpedaled around the corner behind them.  The staccato fire of automatic rifles resulted in a hailstorm of bullets that just missed the guards.  The guards returned fire, but Aly couldn’t tell if anyone found their target.

Just ahead were stairs leading to an exterior door.  Aly took hold of one of Elise’s arms, while Aira held the other.  They propelled her down the stairs just behind Nadir, Chyou and their charges.  Two more security guards met them at the bottom.  They would go first to make sure the path was safe.  The agreed route would take them around a corner and then between an exterior wall and building until they reached the entrance to the bunker.  In total, they still needed to travel about fifty yards.

Ruan was trying to hold back his tears, but was failing.  At least he didn’t fight Nadir’s attempt to carry him the rest of the way.  With all the noise, it was no surprise the Mikol was crying. Chyou tried to comfort him, but short of suffocating the infant, there was no stopping him.  Their passage would not be made with stealth.  Elise let Aira and Aly guide her, but the girl moved quickly on her small legs. Her face looked determined and unfazed by the chaos around her.

The two guards trailing them caught up and urged them to move faster.  The guards in front were moving with caution, but with no enemy in sight, they picked up their pace.  Four attackers following them came into view.  Aly saw that they wore camoflagued uniforms, but were clearly Chenoan.  “Bastards,” she muttered under her breath.  And all because their president feared magic, she thought.  Idiot.

They were soon in the line of fire and bullets ricocheted off the pavement and the walls.  The guard to Aly’s left dropped, a bullet ripped through his left cheek and another tore through his right leg.  Ahead, Nadir and the others were led around one final corner.  When Aly turned the corner, she found they were in a passageway that looked vaguely familiar, but she didn’t recall taking this path before.

The guard behind her was providing cover, but once they turned the corner, he turned to follow.  It was then that three bullets found his back.  He lunged forward.  Aly tried to catch him, but his momentum took him to the ground.  He was still conscious, but they both knew that wouldn’t last.  He held out his gun to Aly.  “Here, take it.”

Aly instinctively took it and wondered what she was supposed to do.  Their pursuers would turn the corner any second.  Those in front of her were still moving.  The bunker door lay only twenty yards ahead.  A uniformed woman appeared to be keeping it propped open for their entry.  Aly started backpedaling after the others.  She held the gun in both hands. It wasn’t the first time she held a gun, but it wasn’t something she was comfortable with or preferred.

She saw movement at the corner and instinctively fired off four or five shots in succession. She heard a loud cry of “Eff” and knew she struck someone. If that was supposed to make her feel better, it failed.  There was nothing about this day that made her feel good.  And then a bullet whizzed by her head.  But this one came from behind her. 

They were caught in a crossfire just as Nadir reached the entrance. He handed Ruan off to the woman at the door and then took her place holding it open while trying to shield Chyou and Aira.  Aly stopped and kept firing her gun until it ran out of bullets.  She finally turned to run.  She was ten yards from safety.  She saw a body laying on the ground in front of her.  It was one of the guards who led them.  For a moment, he reminded her of Alex.  And then she knew why the passage looked familiar.  It was the one she saw in her vision, the vision in which Alex died.  But he was at UMAS.  He was safe.  She saved him.

And then Aly felt as if someone punched her in the chest.  She looked down and saw blood spurt from a hole.  That wasn’t there a second ago.  She looked up and saw Nadir reaching his hand out toward her.  But then a guard grabbed Nadir and reluctantly pulled him into the bunker.  The door was closing.  She could still make it.  But her legs wouldn’t work.  She willed them to move.  It was then that she realized she was laying face down on the path.  She rolled over. A man approached keeping his gun trained on her.  She saw his finger squeeze the trigger.  She closed her eyes.


Sunset approached and Cadence decided to climb a hill to get a better look. She just finished an hour of Pliff berating her for the recklessness of her recent actions and for putting Rowtan in harm’s way. When Rowtan tried to intervene on her behalf, he was told to head back into the cave. One look from Babbet told him he didn’t want to get in the middle of this. Cadence sent him a telepathic message of gratitude, but also told him it was deserved. She understood that Pliff was releasing a lot of pent up fear and frustration.

Cadence listened to Pliff. She agreed. She apologized. She never got a chance to explain the details or to tell him about the psychic rapport she developed with his son. She’d save that for another time. She was so happy just to be back on the island that she would accept any penance that was due.

Finally, it was Babbet who walked over to Cadence and nuzzled her with her oversized snout.  “We are glad you’re home.”

Home? Is that what this was, thought Cadence. She supposed it was for the dragons. It was her prison, and the brief time she spent in the Redlands and in space made her more determined than ever to end her exile. She needed to talk to Chen. She needed to know if the world and Chenoa accepted her proposal.  When she first approached the SDF, he simply said they were still discussing it.

Cadence reached the top of the hill and surveyed the current condition of the island. To one side the burned out remains of a helicopter still served as a reminder of Seahaven’s recent attack. To the other side she saw an encampment of Seahaven soldiers. It was a reminder that life on the island was never going to be the same. In the far distance she saw the familiar hanger and airfield once maintained by Dion. She was still coming to terms with his loss. It was unnecessary. It was another death to lay at the feet of Doth’kar uk.

And that was another question. Should she blame all of the Ak’turi for Doth’kar’s actions? She understood that the Ak’turi and Jyrans may not be done with her. She prayed for the success of Celecia’s peace summit. But if her time with the two alien races taught her anything, it was that both built a way of life around doing battle with each other. Would they accept peace as an alternative?  Did they even remember what peace was like?

Cadence shifted her gaze toward the sun. It was low enough in the horizon to begin its transition to an orange color. And then the sun began to shimmer.  That was odd. And then she realized the cause of the shimmer. It was a portal being formed in the sky and out of it flew several winged creatures. They were dragons and atop each was a rider.  They could only be coming for her. But why so soon?

Cadence reached out and sent a telepathic message to Rowtan. “Rowtan, I’m on a hill just north of the caves. I need you. Bring the others.”

From the edge of her vision, Cadence noticed the approach of a sea-elf.  He was also glancing at the sky and undoubtedly thought she was part of whatever was happening. It was the new reality…the need to explain everything to Seahaven.

Colonel Stormtide was monitoring communications when a soldier notified him of the portal opening in the distance.  He was hoping for an update regarding the peace conference, especially with his queen in attendance.  He exited the makeshift command post and saw the girl standing atop the hill.  He recognized Cadence.  He was only recently informed of her return and constraining her to the island was next on his list of things to do.  Given the line of her vision, he assumed she was expecting the new arrivals.

Using his enhanced speed, Colonel Stormtide quickly approached.  “Who rides those dragons?  And what do they want?”

Cadence didn’t appreciate the tone and wanted to argue.  Maybe a little cooperation would help her later.  “Stick around and we’ll both find out.  Those are dragon warriors.  Both the Ak’turi and the Jyrans use them.”

“Then you weren’t expecting them?”  Colonel Stormtide needed to reassess the situation.  He activated his comm device.  “Sergeant, put the post on alert and make sure everyone is locked and loaded.  The incoming dragons are not here by invitation.”

Cadence overheard the conversation.  “I wouldn’t start anything you can’t finish.”

“No one fires until I give the command.”  Colonel Stormtide clarified his order.  And then he heard the flapping of more wings.  He looked toward the east.

Led by their smaller parents, three large dragons were approaching and taking a position behind the pair.  Pliff and Babbet came close.  The former spoke first.  “Cadence, what is it?”

The dragons were getting closer.  Cadence squinted and shielded her eyes from any remaining glare from a fading sun.  “I recognize the lead rider.  It’s the Ak’turi.”

“I thought you said they were done with you,” the dragon replied.

“I thought they were.”  Cadence stepped forward as the lead dragon rider landed.  “Rahl, why are you here?”

“To hear your decision, Cadence Grimm.  Will you side with the Ak’turi in our war?” Rahl’s voice was formal and determined.  He was not here as a friend.

“So soon? What if I haven’t decided yet?”

“Then I am ordered to take you prisoner or destroy both you and your dragon.”

Cadence turned back to the others. “Colonel, something’s changed.  Have you heard anything from your people?”

Rahl did not appreciate being ignored. “What is your decision Cadence Grimm?”

Colonel Stormtide sensed that the situation was escalating. Cadence’s tone and body language did not indicate a willingness to go with the Ak’turi.  He didn’t get to his current rank by just following orders.  He spoke into his comm device hoping he wouldn’t be overheard by the dragon warriors.  “Take aim, but continue to hold.”

Cadence truly had not made up her mind. But she was certain she wasn’t going to let anyone force her into a decision.  She was trying to assess their situation.  Rahl was a worthy opponent, but she took him down once.  She didn’t know the other five wizards.  Rowtan was still young, but had tasted battle only once.  His parents were experienced, but their invisibility was useless against those that could sense mystic signatures.  Telys was still recovering from his last battle and both he and his sister were hopelessly outmatched.

Cadence sent a telepathic message to Rowtan. The young dragon sent his response. Cadence took another step toward Rahl. “There is no need for us to fight.”

“Then you will come with us.”


The decision was made. The actions were inevitable.  “Fire! Fire! Fire!” Colonel Stormtide screamed into his comm while pulling his own pistol.

Heavy fire erupted from the nearby camp.  But the Seahaven soldiers were not outfitted with khanite ammunition.  The bullets were simply deflected by mystic shields.  Pliff and Babbet took to the air and turned invisible.  They were followed by Telys and Gisele.  Rowtan waited for a signal from Cadence.

One of the Ak’turi controlled dragons unleashed a torrent of red liquid toward Cadence and Colonel Stormtide.  Cadence cast her own shield and the liquid splattered to the ground where everything it touched shriveled and turned black.  “Colonel. We can’t win this battle.  Not here and not like this.  My dragon is going to open a portal.  We’re going to retreat.  You’re welcome to join us.”

Cadence teleported to a position on Rowtan’s back.  She simultaneously sent a telepathic message to the Pliff and the other dragons.  “Rowtan is going to create a portal.  I need you to fly into it.”

Rowtan turned his head a blew a portal into the air atop the hill.  Telys and Gisele were already in the air, but paused for instructions from their parents.  Pliff and Babbet were half way toward their adversaries and already dodging breath attacks of fire and lightning. 

Colonel Stormtide saw his bullets were ineffective.  He was fast and he was strong, but he couldn’t fly.  He saw the portal opened by Rowtan.  He reopened his comm.  “Sergeant.  Have everyone move toward my position.  Continue to lay down cover, but get here now!”  The Colonel reloaded his weapon and continued to shoot.  He couldn’t hit anything, but he hoped the Ak’turi couldn’t either, while hiding behind their shields.

Finally, Babbet turned visible and flew back toward the hill. She saw Telys and Gisele flying toward her.  They were ready to unleash their breath weapons, but she feared the retaliation they would face from the larger black dragons.  “Go back! Do as Cadence instructs!”

Gisele sent a lightning bolt toward a lead dragon warrior. Her attack struck nothing as the dragon blew open a portal and flew into it. Seconds later he was behind her and unleashing a deadly torrent of fire.  Gisele felt the heat of the attack, but her scales insulated her from any lasting injury.

Telys tried to swoop down and rake his claws across the head of the wizard leading the attack on Gisele.  The wizard ducked, created a mystic staff and slammed it into Telys’s claw.  The dragon roared in pain.  One of his claws was bent at an odd angle.  Babbet continued to call for her children to retreat.  Cadence continued to instruct Rowtan to keep the portal open, yet she was uncertain for how long he could do so.

The Sea-elven soldiers were quickly trying to reach their colonel.  A group of five hopped into a jeep and raced toward his position atop the hill.  Another dragon appeared out of a portal and spewed forth his fiery breath.  The jeep exploded. The occupant’s bodies danced from fire and pain.  They soon fell and the dancing stopped.  The other elves were running as quickly as they could while trying to repel the dragons with ineffective gunfire.

One elf was busy loading a rocket launcher.  He raised the weapon searching for a target only to have a wizard mystically encircle him within a force bubble.  He fired only to have his rocket almost instantly strike the bubble and explode. Limbs detached from his body, one being his head.  The elves were realizing the futility of their weapons and began to focus more on their running.

Cadence was trying to shield as many of the soldiers and dragons as possible.  Two dragon riders attempted to blanket her with poisonous gas and piercing sound.  The first she blew away with wind and the second she repelled with a sonic mirror that reflected the assault back upon its attacker.  The dragon and its rider retreated.  Meanwhile, Babbet reached Rowtan’s portal and guided Telys through the entrance.

Pliff managed to blanket one dragon rider with his breath.  It didn’t stop the attack, but temporarily disoriented the rider with invisibility and noxious fumes.  Pliff attempted to join his wife, but another dragon was rapidly closing the distance.  Cadence feared what weapon might be unleashed upon Pliff and was able to teleport the small dragon the remaining distance.  Before entering, he paused to make sure Gisele joined him.

Two more sea-elves were struck down by mystic arrows.  Cadence was tiring and turned to Colonel Stormtide.  I’m almost out of spells.  If you’re coming, you have to do it now.  Cadence guided Rowtan into the portal.  She turned to watch it close and was relieved to see the colonel help an injured soldier make it through.  The portal started to grow smaller, but not before Rahl flew Zaryg and guided two more dragon riders with him.  The portal slammed shut.  The battle was not over.

Rahl cast force bolt after force bolt toward Verdan’s fugitives.  Cadence blocked or deflected them just as quickly.  A few struck the ground and left deep rivets.  Almost instantly the holes filled with a red viscuous liquid.  It was one of the few places familiar enough for Rowtan to send them, The Redlands.  Cadence hoped the dragon riders they left behind would not be able to follow.

Through his pain, Telys unleashed a powerful gust of fire.  Against dragons and wizards used to the rigors of battling in hostile environments, the attempt was little more than a nuisance.  Zaryg retaliated with an intense burst of microwave energy.  Babbet saw her son in danger and without thought flew between the two combatants.  The breath weapon engulfed her body and almost instantly began to boil her blood.  Pliff saw his love in danger and turned to head toward Zaryg.  Rahl cast a spell that paralyzed Pliff and the small dragon began to fall.

Cadence took a quick breath to focus her thoughts and cast a telekinetic spell to slow his fall.  Colonol Stormtide aimed his weapon and fired several shots toward Rahl and Zaryg.  One bullet struck the wizard and Zaryg turned his massive wings to retreat.  The other two dragon riders continued to move forward and turned their attention toward Telys and Gisele.

With Pliff lowered gently to the ground, Cadence looked on in horror as Babbet similarly fell from the sky.  Cadence recast her spell to save a second dragon, but she feared they were in a battle they couldn’t win.  Telys was in immense pain and his sister, Gisele was trying to help guard his flank.  While Rahl temporarily retreated, two more black dragons and their rider turned their attention to Verdan’s dragons and upon Cadence.

Rowtan was not about to let his charge go unprotected.  He mirrored his sister’s breath and sent a barrage of electricity toward the nearest opponent.  The black dragon glided through the attack unsinged.  Its rider cast the simplest of protection spells to deflect the attack.  The Ak’turian ally then sent a mystic harpoon toward Rowtan.  This time, Rowtan blew open a portal.  The harpoon disappeared only to reappear to the attacker’s left side.  The rider’s protection spell held, but against his own attack his shield quickly failed.

The outcome of the battle was still in doubt, but then from the sky above dove three ice dragons; Callie, Snaw and Ferros.  The three sent an icy blast toward the now unprotected pair.  Ice quickly formed around the dragon, who instinctively opened his mouth with one final breath and opened his own portal.  He flew into it and was gone.  In the distance, Rahl was recovering and similarly disappeared.

The final Ak’turian dragon warrior may have done the same, but this time it was Cunar and Emstral who appeared into the midst of the battle.  Almost immediately, Cunar teleported to the back of the opposing dragon and delivered a mystically enhanced punch to the dragon rider.  The rider tried to deflect the blow, but was only partially successful.  He was left dazed and open to Cunar’s final move, which was to grip his head with two hands and quickly snap the wizard’s neck.

The dragon below them sensed his rider’s demise as their mystic link was severed.  He roared in anger.  But Emstral was upon them and raked his claws across the dragon face.  Cunar teleported back to his position on Emstral and sent several mystic arrows toward the dragon.  They struck and brought about a new round of pain.  The dragon saw nothing to be gained by continuing the battle and blew open a portal.

Cunar and Emstral anticipated the maneuver and at the last second Emstral created his own portal right in front of the other one.  The dragon was unable to stop and sped into Emstral’s portal.  He reappeared less than ten feet above the ground and his momentum carried him head first into the plains.  The ground gave way and then quickly filled with the red liquid native to the Redlands.  It was impossible to tell if the area was stained red from the ground water or the now still dragon.  With one final spell Cunar sent a mystic lance into the dragon’s skull.

The battle was over.  Pliff was standing next to the still form of Babbet.  Gisele stood next to her father.  Telys hovered above them, afraid to put any weight upon his broken appendage.  Cadence and Rowtan joined them as quickly as the dragon could move.  Cadence jumped from Rowtan’s back.  She looked at Babbet.  The dragon’s hide was reddened, but not from the Redlands.  She saw no movement…no breathing.

Pliff gently nuzzled his mate.  “Babbet,” he whispered.  There was no response.  He sensed there never would be.  He looked toward Cadence.  “Why? Can you just tell me why this needed to happen?”

Cadence felt her own eyes reflect the wetness evident in Pliff’s face. There were dozens of answers she could give Pliff.  There was no sane answer.  Out of the corner of her eye she caught Cunar’s approach.  She looked in his direction.  “Can you help?”

“I have sent my prayers to Asac.  Now it is in his hands.”

Nor did they need to wait long for a response.  A reddish light appeared in the space between them and Babbet.  It grew larger and formed and small portal.  From out of the portal stepped Tejana.  He ignored those gathered around the fallen victim and placed his hands over Babbet.

Tejana prayed to Asac for guidance.  Life still inhabited the dragon before him.  Her breath was shallow and heartbeat faint, but there was still a spark.  It was possible for him to save the small dragon.  But the voice in his head gave him a different reply.  In response, he used his ability to suck the remaining air from Babbet’s lungs.  Her heartbeat faded to nothing and her life was gone.

Tejana turned to the others.  “I’m sorry.  The dragon is dead.”

Pliff raised his head and howled.  It was a sound that Cadence was certain would haunt her from this day forward.

Chapter 2

"Eff!”  General Nika Savonnis looked around his command bunker.  “Get me some power!  Where is the effin’ backup generator?”  The general sat at a table overlooking three rows of additional tables and chairs.  They made up twelve workstations that were occupied by several other ranking officers and analysts.  Their task was to coordinate military operations throughout Izmir.  It was a task made impossible with the loss of all tracking and communications.

 The general looked at the blank screen in front of him and pounded the keyboard.  “Mothereffin’ piece of shit! I want that power back up and I want it now!”

It was doubtful that fate was listening to the general.  But at that moment the backup generators kicked in and monitors flickered to life.  Information reappeared on screens around the room. Anxious eyes scanned the screens attempting to interpret what they saw.  Despite their training, it was hard to believe the reality of the situation.

“General.”  It was an analyst with the military rank of Captain.

The general was still trying to sift through his own reports.  He kept wondering how the hell this could all happen at once.  The interruption finally registered.  “Godsdamnit, now what!”

The captain didn’t flinch.  The general’s tone and demeanor were consistent with his typical behavior.  You didn’t have to work with him long to get used to it.  It was still intimidating, but didn’t stop you from doing your job.  “General, there’s an incoming message for you on a secure line.”

“Damn it, why aren’t you putting it through?

And then the general heard a voice in his ear.  “General, I apologize for using this line, but I think I can help you?”

The general was unfamiliar with the voice.  If this was a prank, there would be hell to pay.  “Who is this?”

“I am a sentient computer program, most commonly referred to as Sam.”

The general recalled an earlier briefing on Sam. “And why are you the hell on this line?”

“As I indicated.  I think I can help.  The Chenoans have detonated two nuclear devices in Ocean View.  More are headed toward Jagged Rock, Raydon and the Mystic Academy.  The Chenoan navy is moving closer to your shore.  A ground assault team has landed at the palace, most likely an attempt to abduct the princes and princess.  Other attacks are in process around the globe.  And I think you’ll find the Ak’turi moving to neutralize your satellites.”

“And you can help?”

“If there is an active communication line, I can use magic.”

“And the reason you’re talking to me?” 

“Power at the palace has yet to be restored. My knowledge database indicates that in the king and queen’s absence you are in charge of Izmir’s military forces.  I desire to help, but am also led to believe that acting on my own will lead to distrust.”

“Hmph,” the general grunted.  He almost wished he had more subordinates with the sense of this computer program.  “What is it you propose?”

“I believe if I act quickly that I can help disable the remaining nuclear missiles.  If allowed to use an open channel to your satellites, I believe I may be able to save many of them.  But I will also need to use your military defense systems.”

General Savonnis didn’t need the computer program to tell him they were running out of time.  “Then do it.  You have my blessing. I can get you any access you need.”

“Thank you, general. I have access. I merely required permission.”

“And Sam, could you have stopped the missiles that struck Ocean View?”  The general felt he failed his country and wondered if it could have been prevented.

“I wish that I could have.  The Chenoans are being aided by the Ak’turi and they used an electromagnetic pulse weapon that does not operate conventionally.  Without any power in the area, I am unable to cast a spell or communicate with your defense systems.”

“You think magic will work on any of this?  I’d be surprised if these missile casings don’t contain khanite.”

“I’m aware and believe I can compensate.”

“Then godspeed and may the gods help us all.”


Spira was in tactical scanning the major news channels along with most of the Strategic Defense Force.  They were well aware of the peace conference in Argenta.  They helped negotiate the terms for Verdan.  But the conference itself was contained in Crysalis.  It was highly likely that they would learn of any major decisions at the same time as the rest of the world.

Currently absent from the room were Christopher Brown and Admiral Benjamin Sharf.  Spira considered it no coincidence that the absence of the former contributed to a lightening of tension in the room.  Chen Tao, recently released from his Chenoan debriefing, was allowed to roam the facility.  Although, a security guard trailed in his wake wherever he went.  For the moment, his official status was ‘subject matter expert’.

The scientist and formerly thought to be deceased fugitive pulled up a chair next to Spira.  “I have shown the Chenoans how to best monitor the artificial intelligence’s activity.”

Spira looked down and lowered his voice.  “All his activity?”

“Except for their own systems,” replied Chen in a whisper.

“Do you think they suspect?”

“That in the process I opened a channel to this facility?  Mr. Almasi is smart, very smart, but he’s not in my league.”

It was well known that part of Malcolm Retek’s downfall came about because of his own arrogance.  Spira couldn’t help but wonder if some of that rubbed of on Chen.  Either that, or the scientist really was that damn good.  No matter, it was a trait that annoyed Spira.  “We may find out sooner than we wished.” 

Spira nodded toward the screens at the front of the room, which suddenly went dark.  “Usef, what happened?”

“I did.”  It was Christopher Brown.  He appeared in the entranceway and behind him stood Armand Roux.  Christopher entered the room as Armand and three more security guards followed.  Their guns were drawn and pointed toward those seated around the table.

“What’s the meaning of this?”  Lavender Keppel was seething and her anger seemed to emanate in waves.

Christopher was undeterred.  If Spira made any progress building a bridge with Chenoa’s representative, that bridge now lay in collapsed ruin.  “As of two minutes ago, Chenoa, in conjunction with other free countries of Verdan and the Ak’turian rebels have launched an attack against the Jyrans and their Izmiran allies.  That includes those of you who have chosen to side with Izmir in recent negotiations.”

“And the nature of your attack?”  Spira felt the muscles in his stomach tighten.  He thought the Ak’turi and Chenoans would at least give the peace conference a chance.  How had he been so wrong?

“You’ll find it quite thorough.”  Christopher Brown spoke through lips that didn’t bother trying to hide his smirk.  “Our agents in Crysalis, along with the Ak’turi plan to assassinate the Jyrans and those who support the peace plan.”

“And my queen?”  It was Kriston Ceelon who spoke his fear.

“If all goes as planned, she, along with Izmir’s queen are dead.”  He turned toward Spira.  “My president threatened your leaders with a nuclear strike if they didn’t comply.  He was not bluffing.  I think you’ll find our Ak’turian friends are well versed in how to deal with Jyrans and I believe most of you will have your own crises to deal with.”

“Except Leland, of course.”  Admiral Sharf finally joined them.  He made it obvious with whom his rogue country had aligned.  The attack in the Soulless Ocean is being coordinated through our country and that of our brothers in Chirncy.  That leaves Seahaven in the middle of a crossfire.

“And Falmead?”  Prince Nirlander questioned the fate of his country.

“Your father has declared your country to be neutral.  I’m afraid that is not a viable option.  My president has given him two hours to reply.  In the meantime, you will be held with the others.”

Spira heard enough.  “And how do you plan on doing that?”

Christopher assumed Spira was just being argumentative by refusing to accede control.  He decided to show him.  He turned to Armand Roux.  “Have someone escort Mr. Tininger to his room.  He is not to leave until I say so.”

Armand nodded his head and the guard walked toward Spira.  He produced a pair of handcuffs, but before he could accost the Izmiran, his arms were thrust forward and the handcuffs were slapped onto his own wrists. A second later all of the guns in the room disappeared and rematerialized in the center of the table.  When Christopher Brown tried to reach for a weapon, he struck an invisible barrier and was repelled by an electric shock.  His mouth dropped open.

Spira finished the thought forming in the former CIA director’s head.  “Thank you, Sam.”  He stood and looked up toward his enemies.  “Mr. Brown.  Admiral Sharf.  I’d like both of you to confine yourselves to your rooms.  The alternative is having our computer friend push you telekinetically.  As for your security team.  I believe there is a mostly empty storeroom one level below us.  They are to lock themselves within.”

“How?”  But then the answer was staring Christopher in the face.  “Tao.  I should have realized Izmir would never release him unless he was part of some bigger plan.”

Spira grimaced.  He didn’t enjoy the subterfuge.  “It didn’t have to be this way.  But when your president tried to blackmail our queen, it was apparent that Chenoa was not going to stop their assault on magic.  But war?”

Christopher didn’t relish his role in current events either.  It was true that he held no love of Izmir’s ruling monarchs. But Chenoa and Izmir held a long history of being close allies.  He wished the clock could be turned back about twelve years, before Retek brought magic back to Verdan.  But that wasn’t an option.  “Of course, it had to be this way.  Your leaders never stopped undermining Chenoan interests.  Seriously, you chose Emdon over us?”

“Thunk!” Aldimir Baernov slammed his fists onto the top of the table. He was still absorbing all the new information, but wasn’t going to sit still and listen to his country be maligned. “Perhaps Chenoa should learn to mind their own business.  Your leaders are never happy unless they can control the entire world.”

Spira heard enough.  “Christopher, it’s time for you and your men to leave the room.” 

He turned toward the Chenoan analyst. “Yusef, I’m afraid that includes you.”

Lastly, absent a solid entity, he looked at the monitors on the wall.  “Sam, can you bring back up the news?  If war has broken out, we need to know what’s going on.”

The entity immediately replied.  “I’m afraid communication lines to the facility have been cut and any attempts to send wireless signals are being jammed.”

“Can you unjam them.”

“I’m working on it, but I am similarly cut off from the rest of my core program and need to recompile some of my programs on local servers.  I can display the local security feed.  It appears the Chenoan agents established around the facility are attempting to gain entry.  To that effect, they are attempting to turn the defense missiles around and use them against us.”

“Can you stop them?”

Monitors on the wall came to life.  It displayed several agents encircling the building with weapons drawn.  A handful of agents were physically trying to realign the missile array.  And then, on every monitor, agents were seen to be dropping to the ground.  Seconds later, any movement ceased.

“What did you do to them?”  Christopher Brown was aghast. His people were stopped and not a single soldier was needed to oppose them.

Sam replied.  “I merely cast a sleep spell upon them.  They will wake in about eight to ten hours.  By then I can bind and levitate them to wherever we wish.”

Christopher Brown lowered his head.  “The president won’t sit still for this.  He’ll destroy this facility if necessary.”

Spira wasn’t going to let Chenoa have the last word.  “He can try.  Sam doesn’t exist on just one server and he’s been inside Chenoa’s infrastructure for a while now.  I expect your president is about to have bigger concerns than this facility.”


If he was being honest, Alex was glad that Aly practically ordered him back to UMAS.  Given the state of the world, he wasn’t sure if normal would ever be the same again.  But there were still those quiet moments he could spend with Phillipe in the confines of their room.  It was those moments he longed for the most.

Dakoran and Celecia still hadn’t talked to him about his time on Earth.  He assumed they were too busy with the peace conference.  He wasn’t told much other than it was Celecia’s goal to end the cycle of violence between the Jyrans and Ak’turi and then together find a way to stop the dangers facing the universe. 

In particular, they were faced with an event known as a phase transition.  It wasn’t his area of expertise and normally he would have started with Professor Vierkandt.  The Professor seemed to have knowledge on nearly any topic.  Now he knew why.  The professor was really a Jyran god known as Apar.  And now he was dead.  He was still trying to process his feelings on that.  He trusted Professor Vierkandt, but at the same time he was being manipulated by Apar.  And yet they were one and the same.

After a cozy ride back to the university, he didn’t see as much of Phillipe as he hoped.  His lover was obsessed with everything he saw and learned at the Nexus of Reality, and spent most of his time either documenting his observations or surprisingly deep in prayer within the school temple. 

When he broached the subject with Phillipe, all he heard was that the gods were real and if he wanted to fully understand the nature of divine energy, he needed their knowledge…and the best way to reach them was through prayer.  He took Phillipe’s subsequent silence on the topic to mean that he was still waiting for the gods to reply.

Alex had his own reasons for wanting to talk to the gods, but prayer wasn’t his style. After Peter recounted his experience in New Diathis, Alex made him repeat the story three times and then still spent an hour trying to get more details. Of course, he understood a phase transition at its highest level.  A common, but simplistic, example was water turning to ice.  When the H2O molecules transform, their properties as a solid are completely different from their liquid state.  In a similar matter, the universe was converting from its current state to something that was beyond their scope of understanding.

Perhaps a better starting point was to look at mystic energy.  If the Jyrans were right, then mystic energy was a residual force left over from the last time the universe went through a phase transition.  Mystic energy operated under its own set of scientific laws and routinely violated other known laws of the universe.  The bottom line was this; life as it is known in the current universe cannot survive in the universe yet to come.  If such an event could be stopped, or even reversed, then they owed it to all sentient life to do so.

Alex’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.  The source of said footsteps was large and the familiar gait suggested that one of the objects of his musings approached.  “Hi Peter.”

“Alex, have you heard anything yet?”

“From Celecia or Dak?  I don’t think I would be first on their call list.”

“I mean from Aly.”

That made more sense.  Peter was right.  The king and queen were more likely to update his sister first.  “No, but I’m willing to check.”

At that moment the high pitch of a siren echoed off the campus buildings.  Alex looked at the sky.  His first thought was that a storm approached; and possibly a whirlwind.  “That siren, it’s not for the weather.”

Peter’s thoughts traveled the same path.  “Unless I’m mistaken, that siren is warning of a missile attack.”

It wasn’t that long ago the sirens were activated to warn them of the approaching missiles from Kyrotha.  But that was the artificial intelligence, Sam.  Alex was led to believe Sam no longer posed a threat.  Over the sound of the siren, Alex heard his phone activating.  It was an incoming call.  He didn’t recognize the number calling him.  He placed a comm device in his ear and touched it.  “Hello.”

“Mr. Donovan, this is…”

“Sam, what do you want?”  Alex immediately recognized the voice.  It was the same one that held him hostage at the Chenoan safehouse in Izmira.  And the same one he heard in the caves that housed the Nexus of Reality.

“Have you been following the news?”

“No, but the school’s sirens just went off.  Is this related?”

“Yes, Izmir is under attack.  Chenoan missiles are currently enroute to the Mystic Academy.”

‘Again’, thought Alex.  “Alright, we’ll get everyone into a secure location.  How much time do we have?”

“Two minutes.”

“What!  How come we didn’t have more advance notice?”

“I’ll explain it to you later.  Right now, I need you to enter the school’s administrative password into your phone.  I need access to all communication ports.”

“I can’t do that.”  Alex knew full well that Izmiran security spent days going through their programs and files and installing new firewalls.  He was being asked to undo that work within seconds.

“Mr. Donovan.  There is no time to argue.  These missiles are armed with nuclear warheads.  They will incinerate the school and everyone there.”

“Peter is here with me.  We can use magic.”

“And if we had more time, you could do that.  We now have little more than one-minute left.”

Alex knew that they had run out of time to think.  He needed to react…to trust his gut, and react.  He entered the password and texted it to the number that called.  Seconds passed.  He walked to the nearest window facing the southern sky and stared into it.  He vaguely heard Peter asking him questions, questions that he ignored.  Finally, Peter followed his gaze and also stared off to the south.  Around them, students, faculty and support staff were running for the nearest stairwells and the safety of a lower level.  Alex knew that no level available to them was truly safe from a nuclear strike.

And then he saw the small, but unmistakeable approach of the missiles streaking toward the school.  At the same time about three dozen cars in a nearby parking lot were lifted into the air and guided straight toward the missiles.  They were on a collision course.  No, the cars were going to overshoot the missiles.  But then they appeared to adjust and drop directly into the path of the two missiles.  The resulting explosions shook the building. 

Several windows shattered, but the one in front of him held.  He released the breath he didn’t know he was holding.  He looked at his phone.  It was still on.  “Is that it?  Are we done?”

The voice replied.  “I’m afraid we’re just beginning.”


“Report.  Godsdamnit, I need a report!”  General Savonnis surveyed his command bunker. It was alive with activity, but there were too many faces filled with open, gaping mouths.  “I know this is effin’ hard to believe people, but we’re at war.  Most of you have never been through it, but war is more effed up than anything you’ve ever faced.  So, get used to it.”

“General.”  The voice came from the speaker attached to his workstation.

“Computer…eff it…Sam, what’s your status?”

“The missiles have been neutralized.”

“We saw.  The ones headed for Jagged Rock and Ocean View came off the board when you intercepted them with our missiles.  My people still aren’t sure how you calculated the interception path so quickly.”

“I think you’ll find I can do things more quickly than most.”

“What about the Mystic Academy.  We saw those go down, but then two reappeared closer to the school.”

“It appears the Ak’turi took note of our ability to shoot down the coastal missiles.  When they saw a similar fate for the remaining projectiles, they opened a portal to transport them closer to the school.  I destroyed one of the missiles before it could reach the portal, but the other two went through.  Fortunately, they reappeared far enough away that I could enact another strategy.”

The general was begrudgingly impressed. But he was not about to lavish praise on Sam.  Nor did he think the entity needed it.  “The palace?”

“The incursion is still in progress, but the palace backup generators should be online shortly.  I will then be able to help them.”

“The royal family?”

“The helicopters are still on the ground, so I do not believe the Chenoans and Ak’turi have captured them as of yet.”

“And Crysalis?”

“The city is still without power.  I’m afraid the king and queen, for the moment, are still on their own.”

“Anything else?”

“The Ak’turi are using small drone ships in an attempt to shoot down our satellites.  I am transmitting my program to our satellites and protecting them with mystic force shields.  However, about a third of them were destroyed before I could finish my task.  You may suffer some degradation in your ability, but I am retasking as many civilian satellites as I can to augment your military programs.”

The general knew he’d be fielding complaints over that, but thought Sam did the right thing.  For now, the palace incursion aside, Izmir was secure.  He was certain that might not last for long.  “Sam?”

“Yes, general?”

“Your mystic abilities…do you think you have something in your programming that can neutralize our enemy’s ability to attack us?”

“You wish me to take lives?”

“No, I wish you to protect Izmiran lives.  If you can do that without killing others, then by all means, effin’ do so.  But if we have to make a choice, Izmiran lives come first.  Am I clear enough for you?”

“Yes, general.  I believe there are a few things I can do.  Do I have your permission?”

General Savonnis knew that the right thing to do was to have Sam lay out his plans, review them with the rest of his staff and make strategic and tactical decisions around each one.  But in his mind ‘right’ went out the window when the first bomb exploded in Ocean View.  An angry beast just swatted them with a massive claw and unless they slapped that beast hard and fast across its snout, it was going to continue to claw at them.  “This effin’ stops now.  Do it!”