Volume 3

Heroes of Bardoom

Currently in draft format, it will be published prior to the end of 2015.  It will bring to a conclusion the storyline started in The Fourth Age and Dark Passages.

Verdan’s Heroes have finally reached Izmir, but are they too late to return power to her rightful king?  The third volume in the Verdan Chronicles series takes you into Izmir.  The country’s landscape, people and politics become the backdrop for the final chapter in Terek’s war.  Trevor and Sara have finally emerged from the Khanian caves, but at what price?  Celecia and Dakoran have escaped the ruins of Kyrotha, but before they can catch their breath, death is once again knocking at their door.

Terek and Troconin have total control of Izmir, or do they?  A shadowy organization, known only as the Rising Circle, surfaces.  But on which side do they fight?  They are guided by an ancient power that also seeks to take advantage of the emerging Fourth Age.  As Terek seeks to subjugate other kingdoms to his control, they seek to corrupt his power base from within.

The great Elven Kingdoms realize they are the last line of defense between Terek and Verdan’s freedom.  Their kings are aging.  They face one final decision on whether to engage in battle or join Terek.  They decide they must reestablish the great Elven Council to resolve such a debate.  It is there that the elves gather and discover that kingdoms thought of as lost also have a stake in the outcome.

Challenges abound as it becomes clear that all roads lead to Mount Bardoom and a final battle.  Those that survive the battle will come to be known as, the Heroes of Bardoom.  But will those heroes be those who fight for Terek’s vision of peace, or those that fight for freedom of choice?  Or will it be those that manipulate events toward a third option?