Against All Gods
The fifth book in the Verdan Chronicles continues moments after the exciting conclusion to Broken Circle. An ancient evil is reborn and the newly formed Verdan Council struggles to agree on a solution. The threat of annihilation forces decisions. Alliances once thought unimaginable are forged. An old friend is punished by a god and can only be saved through love.
Dakoran and Celecia continue their journy and find that the easiest path home can often bring surprises. No less than three gods conspire against them and the result is an unwelcome separation. It will take the aid of a fourth god to guide one of them home. Meanwhile, the vampires have returned and face an internal struggle to replace Balgor. Caught in the middle of their struggle is Izmira and the king's new laws prevent humanity from uniting against the threat.
In Parthea, Trevor and Gymbrod return home and must deal with changes to their lives. Yet once again, they are pulled into threats against the realm and must return yet again to the Khanian Caves. This time, they join with the goblins to find and stop a dangerous wizard. The events of Against All Gods will set the stage for the cataclysmic battles to take place in the Verdan Chronicles, Volume Six.