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Verdan Chronicles Giveaway - Balance of War Release

Happy Holidays! I'm celebrating the recent release of Balance of War: Verdan Chronicles Volume 11 with another giveaway. I'm fighting a couple of nuances, so please pay attention.

iBook - This is new and only applies to Balance of War. I was forced to find a new publisher this year and was fortunate enough to partner with Gatekeeper Press. As part of that partnership, I have an option of offering a limited number of copies in this format for free. The catch? I can't track code status, so you have to request them individually. Please go to my Facebook page and leave me a message there. I will send you a code.

Kindle - I'm offering several volumes for free, but for an inexplicable reason, Dark Passages, Volume 2 has disappeared on Amazon. So I've decided to giveaway Volumes 1 and 7-11. I can track codes here, so just click on a link below. If its already been used, check back as I will update the codes several times a day. Thanks and Enjoy!

Links removed as they are no longer active.




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