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The Fourth Age - Coming Soon

Huh?  Wasn't The Fourth Age the first book in the series?  Wasn't it published a few years ago?  Yes and yes.  However, I'm very close to officially republishing it with a brand new cover and a much cleaner manuscript.  While I can't express enough the gratitude I have toward those of you who read the earlier version and gave me feedback (and encouragement), the version originally published was intended to make the book available to friends and anyone else who wanted to see the results of my work.

Now that I've officially decided to increase the availability of the book and actually spend some effort marketing it, it was time to clean it up.  I'm still not sure it's perfect, but trust me, it is much, much, much improved over the original version.

Does that mean you need to read it again?  No, not one aspect of the story has changed.  All the characters are still there and they still made the same decisions.  In other words, it's the same book; just fewer typos and a little better sentence structure.  Hopefully, this will make it more enjoyable to read.

What this also means is that I'm sort of rebooting my launch of the series.  I want new readers to experience it as close to what I intended as possible; and that means not subjecting them to poor editing or proofreading.  I think I've done that.  And for those that purchase the physcial book, you get the added bonus of having an original cover illustrated by the amazing Amy Nagi.

So, as of today, no other versions of The Fourth Age are available for purchase.  I have also removed Broken Circle and Against All Gods from general access on Lulu, as well as, print versions of Dark Passages and Heroes of Bardoom.  I've left the download versions of volumes 2 and 3 out there for anyone who does read the first book and just can't wait to finish the first trilogy.  I may decide at a later date to pull those as well.  Be warned, while they are not as bad as The Fourth Age was, there are still a number of typos and other gramatical things I'm in the process of editing.

Thanks again to everyone who's delved into my story.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  More to come.


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