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Verdan Chronicles - The Publishing Journey Continues

OK, so The Fourth Age is successfully republished on Lulu.  It is also available in print from Amazon and B&N.  I support all these distribution outlets, but right now the best price is on Lulu.  If you purchase today or tomorrow use the GOPHIL code for another 30% off.

If you're interested in the eBook format, you can purchase from Lulu, Amazon or the iBookstore.  I think Amazon has the best deal right now to download.

If you ever have a question on where the best deal can be found on the book, please don't hesitate to ask.  Right now, this isn't about me making money, it's about trying to see if there's any actual interest in the story I've published.

In other news, I am planning to have Lulu send a press release out on The Fourth Age.  I'll let you know when that is done.

In the meantime, I continue to review and make updates to Dark Passages.  I want this to be the best reading experience possible, so am trying hard to clean up any remaining grammer or typographical issues.  The good news is I'm not finding many of the latter, so hopefully that means these books are more enjoyable.  I fully expect Dark Passages to be republished before summer.

The other news is that I have now removed any early drafts that were available on Lulu for friends to purchase and provide feedback.  They were not bad drafts, but I really want to make sure people get the best quality possible when they spend money.  So, going forward I am not planning to make these available until I have original covers and go through at least two more edit reviews.  It may be overkill, but I really, really appreciate anyone who's interested.

Last note:  I started this journey with an idea and an outline of a story and a plan on how to tell it over the course of nine books.  It has kind of been a lifelong mission and late last year I completed the first draft of the ninth book.  The nine books comprise the entire story I wanted to tell.  The ending is exactly the way I wanted it to end.

However...I found that I like writing and the world I created gives me an interesting playground for exploring ideas.  I would never do anything to compromise the integrity of the first nine books, but at some point there may be a tenth book.  I have an idea...two actually.  :-)

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