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An Early Spring = Early Publication of Volume 5

Tomorrow, with a wintry mix of weather pending,  will be overcast.  The groundhog will fail to see his shadow and spring will come early.  Can volume 5 be far behind?

This year has taken off like a rocket.  Volume 4, Broken Circle, is now available.  It hasn't hit Amazon or Barnes and Noble yet, but I expect it to be there within the next week or two.  Many thanks to Lulu for shepherding this project at record pace.  Financially, I can probably move forward with Volume 5 once I finish my final edit (25% done at the moment) and Amy finishes the cover (saw and approved rough sketch a week ago).

I'm hoping all this means I can save enough to get Volume 6 out in early fall and Volume 7 around year end.  Finances might be a little rough as I will likely lose my day job due to typical large corporation short-sightedness.  But of course that's not a matter for these pages.

I've also been playing with how to set up links on the site and think I have it figured out.  Go to the Books pages for links that should be there in the next week or two.

In the meantime, it's back to editing, which is not as much of a chore as you might think.  It means I get to read the book again, something I really never get tired of doing.  These books have been a part of me for so long that I still can't get over the joy of seeing them come to fruition.  The story is complicated, but its good, really good.  Whether it's written well or not is for others to say, but I can say it comes from the heart and I feel it every time I turn the page.

Thanks again to my supporters who encourage me every step along the way.

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