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Divinology 101's possible I just made that word up.  At least nothing came back when I did an internet search.  Who knows, maybe it will become a word before I'm done.  I'm aware that theology would be a more appropriate word for more Earthbound studies, but we're not talking about Earth, we're talking about Verdan.  So for the purpose of this  course, Divinology will be defined as the study of all things of a divine nature.

So let's talk god.  It's a hot button topic that typically is avoided like the plague.  But if I'm going to create a world of diverse cultures, it would be impossible to ignore.  Let me start out by saying that nothing in the Verdan Chronicles is intended to mock or in any way show disrespect toward the religions of our world, Earth.  I hold the utmost respect for people of all faiths and have friends who practice a variety of beliefs.  I consider sacred any religion that enhances a sense of community, love and respect.  In other words, don't read too much into some of the discussion around religion in Verdan.

Enough of that.  The following is intended only to give you insight into how religion was constructed in Verdan.  This first course will cover the gods currently worshipped by its inhabitants.  When you think of these gods, you can probably best compare them to the Roman, Greek or Norse mythologies of our world.  Chief among these gods is Mermis, the god who is given credit for creating Verdan's sentient species.

The entire series is established based on the premise that the previous statement is true.  Mermis created men, elves and dragons.  Whether you want to believe he snapped his fingers and they appeared or that he evolved them over time through genetic manipulation is irrelevant.  All that's important is that one day he looked across the planet and saw three potentially dominant species.  The stage was set.  Dominion over the land was first given to the dragons, and the First Age of Mermis was born.  The rest will be covered in some future Verdan History class.

While Mermis is considered the creator of sentient life on Verdan, there are also other gods present.  They are Othan, Jamut, Kezar, Asac and Enya.  And while these mythilogical beings may not be "the" supreme being we sometimes think of as god, their power should not be ignored.  They can create life and they can destroy life.  They can influence events on a planetary and cosmic scale.  They can bestow gifts or powers to their most faithful followers.  They can travel across diminensions and are not strictly bound by our known laws of science; at least not science as we know it.

Mermis - Each god in Verdan is said to champion and feed off of certain emotions.  While there is a basis for those claims, the truth is a little more complicated and will be covered in more depth in a later course.  Suffice it to say that Mermis' focus is on feeling of hope and devotion.  Those mortals that trust in Mermis, are devoted to his teachings and believe in his future prophecies and most sacred to him.  Each god is also associated with a color.  For Mermis, that color is white.

Jamut - Jamut is considered a chief rival to Mermis.  While Mermis is considered lord over Verdan, Jamut is said to rule a dark and perilous place.  It is called many things, 'hell', 'the underworld' and probably most correctly, 'the Netherworld'.  Jamut seeks to elicit feelings of fear and despair among the mortals.  In order to elicit those feelings he has sent wraiths, vampires, shadows, werewolves and other fearful creatures to Verdan.  His followers are said to practice dark arts and are able create zombies from the dead.  His primary color is black.

Othan - After Mermis, Othan may be considered the next most powerful god.  The feelings he seeks are those of both justice and anger.  He values strength above all.  Among the creatures he has sent to verdan and variety of giants, ogres and trolls.  Whether the dwarves are his creation or a variant of man is still an open question.  Yet the dwarves equal honor both Othan and Mermis.  It is said that Othan followers have written a book, "The Book of Othan", to rival the "Book of Mermis".  Yet Othan's book was lost many years ago.  Othan's primary color is yellow.

Kezar - Kezar is the god worshipped by theives, rogues and pirates.  In fact, entry into the Theives Guild is said to require devotion to Kezar.  Creatures Kezar has sent into Verdan include the wisps.  Their goal is to promote feelings of greed and jealousy; those most desired by Kezar.  Kezar's primary color is green.

Asac - Asac is a god of lust and passion.  The creatures he has sent into Verdan include nymphs, dopplegangers and gaze terrors.  He is a demanding god.  While he freely grants his loyal followers favors, he can also turn on them and deliver powerful curses.  It said that those who fall most into his disfavor are turned into the hideous Medusa creatures.  Asacs primary color is red.

Enya - Enya is considered a beauteous god who favors feelings of love and compassion.  Among the creatures she has blessed Verdan with are the pegasai, the Equineans, fairies, sprites, tricksters and the Taleecian cats.  Druids often worship Enya as she is believed to be closest to nature.  While almost all Verdanians worship Enya at events such as weddings, she is also considered a distant god who maintains some distance from mortals.  Her primary color is blue.

That covers the basics.  Whether more gods than these six exist will be explored in the series.  In Divinology 201 I will discuss the favors granted by gods to mortals and delve more into how the gods have shaped events in Verdan over the years.  I will also cover a little bit more about the religious history of Verdan.

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