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The Wisconsin Author Festival is now less than a week away.  And I'm starting to get some feedback from my recent giveaways and the comments thus far are very positive.  So if anyone is interested in reading the series and you'd like to own the softcover versions.


Just click on the word Lulu above.  Look, I love Amazon, Barnes and Noble and all the wonderful oniine retailers that even allow independent authors a place to sell their books.  I really do appreciate them.  Please show them some love too.  However, when I authorize Lulu to distribute my books through those channels I am not allowed to charge any price that is less than double the cost.  Thus, I landed on a price of $25.99, which generates about $1 in author revenue.  For Dark Passages I think the actual number is $0.97.

Now, Amazon does make my books available for PRIME shipping, so that can save a little money and get the book to you quickly.  From that aspect, it's less horrible.  But if you buy from Lulu I have more control over price and discount the books to $15.59.  On top of that Lulu runs special promotions almost every day which can include 10%, 20% or even 30% off that price and sometimes they offer free mail shipping.  You won't get the book in 2 days, but you'll save almost half the cost.

If you have any other questions about distribution, just let me know.  I want you to enjoy what I really believe is an entertaining series, but would like to help with cost as much as I can. 

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