Follow the Magic (Reprise)
I've mentioned it before, but it's a phrase i've been using on occasion when promoting the Verdan Chronicles. I think it's appropriate because of the huge role magic plays in the storyline and how the ebb and flow of wizards and the strength of the mystic energy field influences the course of Verdan's history.
I'm also using it today as another "Welcome" to anyone new who may stumble across this website. Yes, this website has existed for several years at this point. However, it has never been widely promoted (still isn't), so it's almost an accident if anyone stumbles across it. What's changed in the past few days is that I've created a Facebook page for the series. (Shameless Promotion - Check it out @VerdanChronicles on Facebook). I will likely add a link to this site to the Facebook page and that might result in a few more hits.
It's also no secret that if you go to the "Discuss" tab that no one has volunteered to be the first to post a comment or question. I think Facebook may be an easier place for that to occur, so I'm seriously considering deletion of that tab. My current thoughts are that I will use Facebook and to a lesser extent twitter to promote my books, but continue to use this site as a place to store material and blog about my experience as a self-published author. Who knows, someone may find it useful. If not, it's still a nice place for me to capture my thoughts.
You may also have noticed that I really haven't been blogging any more about the history or details of Verdan. Well, until there is actual interest, it seemed like a waste of my time. I will certainly get "back to it" if readers want to know more. I think my first task is to find some readers. (Actually, it's the second task. The first task was to finish the series and capture the story as I wanted it to read. I consider the first task a rousing success. The second task is partially out of my hands.)
So welcome new readers (and old)! I am planning a second Goodreads giveaway for softcover copies of my book to begin on August 21 and end on September 17. Goodreads has approved the promotion. My first giveaway was coordinated through my publisher (Lulu) and cost me $499. Doing it myself will cost me at most a third of that. So yes, prospective authors, promoting your books will cost you time and money. Unless you're both extremely talented and somewhat lucky in which case you may find a publisher to help with that. I've talked to other authors and even that path has its pros and cons. Unless of course you're already famous, in which case you have a built in audience and publishers may seek you out. That's not a complaint, that's just reality.
So, if you do find the facebook page or website, I hope you give the series a shot. I really do think you'll enjoy the story. Just "follow the magic".

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