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Verdan Chronicles: Still Alive

Yes, while the website has been pretty dead, the series still lives.  I think Broken Circle is finally getting pretty close to being published.  Forever doesn't begin to describe how long it feels like it took.  So for those who have been reading the series, I apologize for the lengthy delay.  The good news is that anyone who decides to dive into this world, probably won't notice the difference.

And while blogging (and I guess publishing) hasn't been a priority, writing continues to be.  The characters and story continue to occupy my thoughts and I try to give them whatever time I have to make sure that story gets told.  So what does that mean?  It means that as soon as Broken Circle is published I hope that effort to publish Against All Gods will begin.  Why?  Because that book is also finished.

And if that isn't enough, the sixth book in the series, to be titled Council's End, is well underway.  What I hope to do some time over the next week or two is go into the book section of the website and revise or add updates for the first six books.  If things go as planned, all six should be available by the end of the year.  Books seven and eight should be available in 2013 and the series finale by summer of 2014.  And with respect to plans for a nine book series...well, that hasn't changed.  All will be revealed and the story will end with that book.


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