Broken Circle - Available Now!
To purchase the exciting fourth volume in the Verdan Chronicles just click on the link below. You can find all four volumes available now at lulu.
Broken Circle picks up several months after the conclusion of Heroes of Bardoom. The countries and kingdoms of Verdan are struggling to put their affairs back in order. The secret organization known as the Rising Circle strives to achieve its goals, while the events started in Dark Passages set the goblins down a path of revolution.
In Izmira the wedding of Celecia and Dakoran is celebrated and they set out on a most unique honeymoon. Perhaps no one is more happy to see them leave than the country's newly crowned king. Meanwhile, Terek's body is unearthed and taken to an unknown location. It is an act that leads the Lady Y'Shanarra to embark on a dangerous quest; one that will cross paths with the Rising Circle and their quest for ultimate power.
Broken Circle is intended to be the first part of a new trilogy. One that supplements the first three books and explores the next chapter in the lives of the characters we've come to know. New characters will be introduced, but whether new or old, not all will survive to see the end. Volume 5: Against All Gods is currently being edited for publication this fall and Volume 6: Council's End will hopefully follow some time around the end of the year.
If you're reading this blog, I hope you decide to visit the world of Verdan and take a journey with the characters whose lives are drawn into this tale. And then, if you're so inclined, let me know what you think. Enjoy!

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