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Welcome & Where Can I Buy This Wonderful Series?

Ok, so the second part of the title is a little tongue in cheek.  I do sincerely welcome anyone who finds this website.  There's a lot of material here written over the past eight years.  Mostly, it has served as a diary of my publishing journey and a way to document a lot of thoughts that went into the story.  Some of those thoughts are still unfinished.  I guess I've been waiting for you, the reader (or prospective reader) to let me know what you'd like to see.  Comments and questions in the discussion forum are also welcome.  I will reply to as many as I can.

So, you found the site or you found the books mentioned online.  You'd like to give them a shot, but like most people have limited funds.  Where to buy?  I've covered a lot of this before, but here goes.

If you want a physical copy of the softcover version, you need to go to  Your best bet is to search by author name using 'David Gerspach'.  Or you can click the link below.

Verdan Chronicles at

The cost of a softcover book at Lulu is $16.19.  You can read some older blogs if you want to know how that was arrived at.  That is the cheapest price you'll find online.  Although, I do encourage you to check out Lulu's daily offerings.  Very often you can get another 10% to 20% off that price and sometimes you can get free shipping.  So it is possible to get the book for less than $13.  If I see a particularly good offer, I will very often tweet it.

Let's say you prefer to read an eBook.  You can download a copy from Lulu at $4.99 for the first book and $5.99 for the others.  I think the version they offer is readable on several platforms, but my advice is to go to your favorite online book site and purchase there.  The price will be the same or less and you'll get it in the best possible format for your device.

Again, you can go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble or other sites and search by the author name, 'David Gerspach' or use one of the links below.

Verdan Chronicles at Amazon

Verdan Chronicles at Barnes and Noble

It's available at many other locations like the ibookstore, Kobo, etc.  I would recommend checking it out at GoodReads.  Use the link below and from their you can see links to the many other stores.

Verdan Chronicles on GoodReads

I think if you give this series a shot, you may find you like it.  There are a couple of reader reviews for the first book out there.  These reviews were unsolicited, but in the interest of full disclosure, I do know the reviewers personally.

From GoodReads

Transmute Jun rated it really liked it (4 out of 5 stars)
I read this book a couple of years ago, when it was available on Amazon. This is an epic tale of the struggle between 'good' and 'evil', as experienced by a wide range of characters in different groups across a detailed word. It is clear that the author put a lot of time and effort into creating this universe and ensuring that all of the characters' storylines intersected in a smooth fashion, instead of the disjointed nature you can sometimes see in other books. As a reader, it takes a little time to get into the story because there are so many different characters at first, and you do need to invest in it a bit to really pick up on the different plot threads and see where everything is going. This is probably the main weakness of the book: so many characters at once means there isn't an instant 'hook', but those who read on will see a payoff. 

If you like an epic fantasy story with a big cast of characters, then you should give the Verdan Chronicles a try.

From Amazon

Format: Kindle Edition  Verified Purchase (5 out of 5 stars)

I don't normally write reviews, but I've now read the first four volumes in the "Verdan Chronicles" (all are available on Kindle!). Mr. Gerspach, while following some of the established motifs created by other fantasy series, really makes the characters and plot all his own. He does an excellent job of imagining and defining his characters and gives them their own unique voices. The plot unfolds in unexpected ways and kept me entranced and entertained throughout. While these are self-published, its obvious that the author has taken care to ensure that his tales are written professionally. I look forward to reading the remaining series (hopefully they are all released in e-book format soon)!


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