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Then and Now

Happy New Year!  It's been over a month since my last blog, so I thought I owed you guys an update.  The Goodreads Giveaway ended with 635 people entering.  The facebook page generated 24 additional page likes as a result of the promotion.  As of this post, the Verdan Chronicles has 546 followers on Facebook.

Yesterday, I started a Giveaway on Amazon for 10 copies of the kindle version of The Fourth Age.  The promotion runs through next week Sunday and currently has 212 entries.  Good luck to everyone who enters the contest.

Ok, "Then and Now".  I picked that as a title to just talk for a few minutes about how current events have influenced my writing.  The concept for the original story, which encompasses  the first nine volumes was created over thirty years ago.  The world may have changed, but certainly people haven't changed that much.  Racism and bigotry were present then and sadly have not gone away.  They are present in Verdan as well and in the books are represented by tensions between the dwarves, elves and humans.  Fear over the spread of nuclear weapons was present then and now.  In the original story this is represented by the spread of the use of canons.

As the world progressed, so did some of the issues that popped up in the story.  The impact of climate change is represented by the shrinking population of trills and the impact that has to magic.  In other words, I've taken real life issues and translated them allegorically into the world of Verdan.  This shouldn't be a surprise as this is how many genre stories are told.

But as I currently write Volume 10:  Whispers in the Universe, I can't help but reflect on some of the issues facing us today.  In particular, the politcal climate seems very toxic.  Let me share the first draft of a passage from "Whispers in the Universe"

WARNING!  SPOILER ALERT!  The following passage appears in Verdan Chronicles: Volume 10  Whispers in the Universe.  While it doesn't really give away much in the context of that volume, you can infer a few things that take place over the course of the first 9 volumes from it. 

As Celecia made her way across the room, the first familiar face she encountered was that of Argenta’s elven leader.  “Madam President.”

“Your majesty.”

Celecia noticed President Erin Quellar’s jewelry.  “I see you no longer wear the khanite bracelet.”

“Why bother?”  My secret is out.  Perhaps later I’ll regale everyone with some magic.”

“I would enjoy that very much,” said Celecia.

President Quellar smiled, and then jumped to the matter at hand.  “You have Argenta’s support.”

Celecia considered the statement.  “I’m not sure the rest of the world will be happy to hear that.  After all, elves are more likely to be able to use mystic energy.”

“With less focus,” countered Erin.  “At least if what I’ve read is true.”

“It is,” confirmed Celecia.  “But then there are exceptions, especially among elven royalty.”

President Quellar laughed.  It was a pleasant laugh.  “Royalty?  You’d have Argenta revert back to a monarchy?”

“Dakoran and I have always worked to serve the will of the people.  I believe sometimes a monarchy can act more like a democracy than those countries with elected leaders.”

“An interesting insight,” responded Erin.  “And one I have to admit may be true.  But at least with a democracy we have a built in way to correct our mistakes.”

“Then let’s hope Chenoa corrects theirs soon.”  It was a leap of faith, but Celecia wanted to know the president’s feelings in regards to her Chenoan ally.

There was a pause.  And then, “I like you, your majesty.  We need to spend more time together.”

To put the above passage in context you have to understand that Whispers takes place in Verdan's future.  Chenoa is an unambiguous surragate for the United States.  Not too long ago they elected a new president, who is the subject of Celecia and Erin's conversation.

Now, you can make all the inferences you want about my political leanings from my books.  You may or may not be correct.  I have good friends across the entire political spectrum and I respect all their opinions, though I may not agree with all of them.  Whether you are liberal or conservative I think we can all learn from each other and I don't see either side as 100% right or wrong.  I try to maintain an independent stance, although I have to admit that our current leadership is making that difficult.  I do long for leaders who make me want to vote FOR them and not just AGAINST their opponent.  I think they are out there, but its hard to blame them for not wanting to serve given the way candidates are attacked for every little thing say or do.  Heck, they are attacked for things they don't say or do.  You'll probably see a little of that in my books as well.

So, does that mean my series is more of a parody of current events.  I hope not.  First and foremost I want my series to be fun escapism.  I'm just pointing out that the real world does have a way of influencing the story.  So until my next post, stay warm and take care.



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