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The Whispers Continue to Grow

Whew!  Almost through January.  I really am not a fan of winter weather, although I suppose it does drive me indoors more where I spend time writing.  I'm little behind my personally imposed schedule for Whispers in the Universe, but I'm having a blast writing it.  The first draft is a little exposition heavy, but I'm nailing the dialog (at least as I hear it in my head).  There is so much to explain as Whispers in the Universe takes the events of the first nine books and puts them into a perspective of how they fit into the history of the universe and the future.  

As for the future, this story arc will end with Volume 12.  I don't have titles for volumes 11 or 12 yet, but have plenty of time.  My goal is to publish one book a year for the next three years.  If I do end up with a 13th volume it will likely be a very sad one.  I have a vision on how this will all end for my major characters.  And while it may be a sad ending keep in my that my personal psyche is all about love and hope.  So it won't be all doom and gloom.

One more note, I'm trying to figure out how to do another kindle giveaway, but this time through GoodReads.  If I can pull this off I'm determined to make it my biggest giveaway ever.  2018 is the year I'm going to try to get my books into as many hands as possible.  I can't make anyone read it.  I can't make anyone rate it.  I can't make anyone provide any feedback, but at this point I really don't care about all of that.  I just think if you get into this series you may find a little bit of yourself in some of the characters and you may like what you find.

That's it for now.  Tomorrow I start on Chapter 19 of Whispers.  The progress continues.

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