« Verdan Chronicles Epic Fantasy Kindle Giveaway #1 - Ended on 4/1 | Main | What's New in 2020 (and What's in a Name?) »

2020 Verdan Chronicles Giveaways

Well, the first giveaway of 2020 (Kindle copies of The Fourth Age) has ended.  I have to say I'm still sorry Amazon got rid of the old giveaway program.  The new one requires a separate link for each copy.  So I can either post all the links and potential readers can try each of them until they find one unused, or they message me and I send them a unique link.  I've tried both approaches and the end result is fewer people picking up a copy.  It makes it more difficult for me to justify paying Facebook to promote the giveaways.  On the plus side, it was pretty easy to get a refund for unused links, but in the past there wouldn't have been any unused.

If anyone has a preference to which approach I use, just leave me a message here or on the Facebook page.  Now, on to future plans.  Please keep in mind here that my goal is to expand the audience for this series as generally people have enjoyed it.  While the series isn't necessarally everyone's "cup of tea", feedback thus far has trended about 25 to 1 in favor of people who have enjoyed it.  I make no money off of this series.  If you buy an ebook copy I might make a couple of dollars, but I assure you I spend far more on giveaways.

Speaking of giveaways, here are the details for 2020.

Kindle copies

  • If you want a Kindle copy of any book in the series at any time, just message me on Facebook and I will send you a link for a free copy.  Please ask for only 1 book at a time.  Once you finish reading one book, I'm happy to send you the next.  This offer may be rescinded at any time, so if you're interested, please don't wait.
  • I will periodically offer volumes on Facebook with some minimal promotion.  This is for people who aren't comfortable sending me a message.

Paperback copies

  • If you want a trade paperback copy of any book, send me a request through Facebook.  I'll probably respond asking for your address and will send you copy.  Again, please only ask for 1 book at a time.  This offer can also be rescinded at any time and many fewer of these will be available.  Not a lie, it will cost me about $15 to have a copy printed and shipped to you.  I'm happy to do so as long as these requests are sporadic.

OK, that's it.  I hope everyone's year is off to a great start.  If the cold weather makes you feel trapped, I think a trip to Verdan could be what you need.  As alwasy, enjoy and follow the VerdanChronicles on Facebook for all the latest news.

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