Verdan Chronicles Epic Fantasy Kindle Giveaway #1 - Ended on 4/1
I hope everyone is doing their part to maintain social distancing and keep themselves and their families safe during the days ahead. I wish all of you well. What I would like to do (for as long as I can) is offer free kindle copies of the Verdan Chronicles for anyone looking for a break. It's an epic fantasy series set in a mythical world of dragons, elves and magic. if you like this genre, I think you'll enjoy it. Thanks.
Here's how it works. Simply click on a link below. It will take you to Amazon where you can redeem the code and download a copy of the book to your kindle. Each code can only be used once, so I will update the list daily to delete redeemed codes and add new ones. Enjoy!
The Giveaway has ended (for now). All available codes have been redeemed. Happy I was able to keep this going for almost 10 days.
Last updated 7am EDT 4/1/2020

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