Happy New Year 2016!
I think I did one of these a year ago, so maybe this is going to be an annual tradition. Anyway, here are my plans for 2016.
1. Make sure Heroes of Bardoom gets distributed to all the ebook channels. This is in progress and I'll post and tweet when it's finally complete.
2. Publish Broken Circle. I've contracted with Lulu to start this process. I have a cover from Amy (first peek at Dakoran), and I've finished my final edit. Now it just has to go through the process which normally takes 3-4 months.
3. Publish Against All Gods. I've sent my cover ideas to Amy. She indicated she should have time to start on this project in mid-January. In the meantime I am now 50% done with my next to last edit. What do I mean? I may have explained this before, but no need for you to search my blogs, so here's my process for each book.
a. Send cover ideas to Amy and settle on a broad topic for the cover.
b. Take my current version for the volume and do a complete edit review to correct grammar, spelling, typos and to format the Word file in a manner acceptable to Lulu.
c. Once I have an edited and correctly formatted version, I do a read-through edit and here I'm still looking to correct grammar, spelling and typos, but I'm also rewording things that just "don't sound right".
d. By this time I should receive the final cover back from Amy and I'm ready to contract with Lulu.
In the above terms I've completed a thru d for Broken Circle. I'm in the middle of b for Against All Gods.
3. (continued) I hope to have Against All Gods available by July or August.
4. Publish Councils End. A best case scenario will have this published by the end of the year. If all of this comes to pass I will try to make a push in 2017 to complete the nine volume series. If I do any serious marketing of the books, it will probably not happen until 2017.
5. Clean up the web-site a bit. Mostly I want to revamp the "Books" page and get some better synopses out there and more accurate links to locations where the books can be purchased.
6. Be a little more active on Facebook and Twitter and try to get my friends to share some links and for those who have read the books to try and get a few of them to put some reviews on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Lulu. I'm hoping I can count on them for a little help. I wouldn't mind some help here from anyone who happens to read this.
7. Continue to fuel my imagination by attending pop culture conventions when I can. Feel free to reach out to me if you happen to attend and want to connect at any of these. Sadly, I will not be able to make San Diego Comic Con this year (already going through withdrawal). But I should be at the following.
a. C2E2 in Chicago
b. Wizard World Madison
c. Gen Con
d. Wizard World Chicago
If I'm able to make anything else, I'll let you know. And if you do make it to Gen Con, Amy Nagi, the wonderful cover artist is usually there. Make sure to send some love her way. Ok, that's it, 2016 is off and running. Let's have some fun!