
Verdan Chronicles Epic Fantasy Kindle Giveaway #1 - Ended on 4/1

I hope everyone is doing their part to maintain social distancing and keep themselves and their families safe during the days ahead.  I wish all of you well.  What I would like to do (for as long as I can) is offer free kindle copies of the Verdan Chronicles for anyone looking for a break.  It's an epic fantasy series set in a mythical world of dragons, elves and magic.  if you like this genre, I think you'll enjoy it.  Thanks.

Here's how it works.  Simply click on a link below.  It will take you to Amazon where you can redeem the code and download a copy of the book to your kindle.  Each code can only be used once, so I will update the list daily to delete redeemed codes and add new ones.  Enjoy!

The Giveaway has ended (for now).  All available codes have been redeemed.  Happy I was able to keep this going for almost 10 days.

Last updated 7am EDT 4/1/2020


2020 Verdan Chronicles Giveaways

Well, the first giveaway of 2020 (Kindle copies of The Fourth Age) has ended.  I have to say I'm still sorry Amazon got rid of the old giveaway program.  The new one requires a separate link for each copy.  So I can either post all the links and potential readers can try each of them until they find one unused, or they message me and I send them a unique link.  I've tried both approaches and the end result is fewer people picking up a copy.  It makes it more difficult for me to justify paying Facebook to promote the giveaways.  On the plus side, it was pretty easy to get a refund for unused links, but in the past there wouldn't have been any unused.

If anyone has a preference to which approach I use, just leave me a message here or on the Facebook page.  Now, on to future plans.  Please keep in mind here that my goal is to expand the audience for this series as generally people have enjoyed it.  While the series isn't necessarally everyone's "cup of tea", feedback thus far has trended about 25 to 1 in favor of people who have enjoyed it.  I make no money off of this series.  If you buy an ebook copy I might make a couple of dollars, but I assure you I spend far more on giveaways.

Speaking of giveaways, here are the details for 2020.

Kindle copies

  • If you want a Kindle copy of any book in the series at any time, just message me on Facebook and I will send you a link for a free copy.  Please ask for only 1 book at a time.  Once you finish reading one book, I'm happy to send you the next.  This offer may be rescinded at any time, so if you're interested, please don't wait.
  • I will periodically offer volumes on Facebook with some minimal promotion.  This is for people who aren't comfortable sending me a message.

Paperback copies

  • If you want a trade paperback copy of any book, send me a request through Facebook.  I'll probably respond asking for your address and will send you copy.  Again, please only ask for 1 book at a time.  This offer can also be rescinded at any time and many fewer of these will be available.  Not a lie, it will cost me about $15 to have a copy printed and shipped to you.  I'm happy to do so as long as these requests are sporadic.

OK, that's it.  I hope everyone's year is off to a great start.  If the cold weather makes you feel trapped, I think a trip to Verdan could be what you need.  As alwasy, enjoy and follow the VerdanChronicles on Facebook for all the latest news.


What's New in 2020 (and What's in a Name?)

Hello 2020!

As I reflect back on 2019, the most gratifying events as they relate to "The Verdan Chronicles" is publishing "Whisper in the Universe" and discovering more people interested in the story.  Perhaps there is a wider audience out there...maybe.

I don't normally interject my personal life into these blogs, but need to say a few things, since it will impact the ongoing story.  The Verdan Chronicles was born in my head back in the early 1980s.  A couple hundred pages were written and then life sort of took over.  About 12 years ago I became determined to finish the story and see where it led.  Ten books later I've completed the original story, but the world I created continued to evolve and thus the lives of Celecia and Dakoran continue.  So here we are.

"The Verdan Chronicles" is a personal passion, but it doesn't pay the bills.  For that I had a "day job" that I also enjoyed for nearly 40 years.   I thought it would continue until the time was right for me to retire.  My employer had other ideas and decided to move my position to another city 2 1/2 years before I was ready.  Moving with the job didn't make sense, and so I'm now unemployed.  The problem is that mentally I don't feel I'm in a place to devote myself to a new employer and "start over".  Realistically, companies are not anxious to hire someone they feel won't be around more than a year or two.  I find it hard to blame them.

The good news is that I'm blessed enough to be in a position that I can retire now, although it means living on a somewhat limited budget.  The bills will be paid and that puts me in a better position than many, many people still struggling to get to where I am.  So don't feel sorry for me, things could be a whole lot worse.  I can still write and publish as needed, although my already very limited marketing budget will need to be cut back.  So for all those entrepeneurs out there looking to sell marketing services to an aspiring author, don't bother coming here.  Some of you provide great service to authors and some are scams, but you all ask for money up front and that's a non-starter for me.  That's makes me all the more grateful to those of you who are so supportive. A kind word or a facebook page "like" really do mean a lot.

So what are my plans for 2020?  Still trying to mentally deal with this change in my life and that doesn't help with my writing, but I'm still hoping to have the next book, "Balance of War" finished by this summer.  While my head is not in the "right place" for writing at the moment, I am rereading my entire series to refresh myself of what's happened to this point.  I started that several months ago and am currently on "Whisper in the Universe". I plan to do another calendar for 2021 with some new art from Amy.  The 2020 calendars are no longer available.  The artwork is amazing, so you should check these out when they are.

What's in a name?  Well, one of my personal issues has always been keeping names straight.  I'm not good with them.  My own kids names can sometimes get jumbled in my head.  Now, combine this fault with trying to keep straight the names of characters in Verdan.  You can probably see where I'm going.  So what I need to do is set the record straight and offer an apology to my readers. As I've reread the series (keep in my I've read each book at least 6-7 times before this), I found a few things.  Don't panic, but I'm also a perfectionist and one mistake bothers me. It's been 5000 pages of writing and so far I've found 4.  Here we go.

Early on I noticed that sometimes my fingers would mistakenly type Trevor instead of Terek or vice versa. I was conscious of this and my editor (me) caught and corrected several of these.  It looks like I missed one.  I didn't record where I found it, but it was somewhere back in one of the first three books.  I don't think it will distract the reader too much, but if you find it, I thought I'd mention that I'm aware.

In "Broken Circle" part of the adventure takes place on a seafaring ship.  The captain of the ship is named Captain Hornweather, but for some reason my brain wanted to refer to him as Captain Hornblower.  Yikes! I found a few passages where I did confuse the name and not catch it in editing.  Sorry.  Again, it should be pretty obvious to whom I'm referring and not be too distracting.

There are two more errors I found.  They are the most glaring and both seem to deal with a president of the country of Chenoa. The first president we meet in "Out of Time" is President Tyler Robinson.  I'm not going to spoil any story content, but after introducing "President Robinson", I later found passages where I referred to him as "President Tyler". Huh? How did I miss that?  Again, it should be obvious, but jeez.  I lose sleep over stuff like this.

Later, in "Blood and Magic", an elf named Wyatt Newland becomes president.  Yet for some reason in "The Fifth Age" there is a chapter or two where I refer to him as President Wyland.  Double huh!  I've sort of mashed his name together and can only hope he doesn't become confused with a computer technician named Mark Weiland.  Maybe that's where my brain got confused.  I sometimes can't fully understand what goes on in my head.

There you have it, my true confessions.  The good news is that I haven't found any significant continuity errors and I worry about those the most. The above errors are mostly annoying to me, but thought I should point them out.

I hope everyone has a wonderful year ahead.  If you've started your journey in Verdan, thank you so very much.  I wrote this for "me", but it does completely make my day when I discover that someone else finds the story worth reading.  If you haven't started the journey, I encourage you to do so.  If you're having trouble getting your hands on the books, drop me a note and I'll certainly help. I hope by next blog to report more progress with the next book and you can always get the latest updates at VerdanChronicles on Facebook.



Hi.  If you've been here before, welcome back.  If not, then welcome to your first visit to the website created for the Verdan Chronicles.

First, I know very little about websites.  My son created the initial design about ten years ago.  I've just been coming out here every month or so and posting whatever's on my mind.  You'll find a lot of stuff if you explore the site, but some hasn't been updated in a few years. (I'm looking at you "Art" page).  I'll try to correct that in the coming weeks.  The blogs are kind of chaotic and range from insight into how Verdan 'works' to thoughts and plans around my journey as an author.

Second, I've added this welcome due to the addition of a new page that may generate some traffic.  You'll see it titled as "Preview".  Right now it contains the current draft to Chapter 1 of Balance of War.  If it generates any interest, I may post another chapter every so often until the book is ready to publish, which is being planned for summer of 2020.

That's it for now.  The latest news can always be found on VerdanChronicles Facebook page.  Hope to hear from you soon.


I'm Still Here

Yeah, I've had lengthy absences from this blog before, but this one feels like the longest.  I guess I'd have to go back over the years to see if that's true or not.  Anyway, a lot has been going on in my life the past six months and I want to make sure everyone is kept apprised on the state of things relative to the Verdan Chronicles.

First, I really don't know if the Verdan Chronicles will ever achieve a kind of "following".  Certainly, there are dozens of people who have read at least the first book, perhaps even over a hundred.  I think in a future post I'll list numbers of how many copies are actually "out there".  I'm pretty sure the number for The Fourth Age will approach 200, but many of those are ebooks that were given away and its hard to tell how many were actually read.  At this point I think I've seen between 12-15 reviews and ratings, so those are the only people I can say with certainty read it.

With respect to this blog, I used to try and promote the website, but traffic is pretty anemic and I sort of gave up on that.  Seriously, if you want a free signed copy of The Fourth Age, just send me a note at and I'll get something out to you.  I should add "while supplies last", but am not expecting many takers.  I'm really doing this as a test to see if anyone actually reads this.

All of the above sounds pretty depressing, so let me make one thing perfectly clear...I am NOT disappointed or sad over the minimal interest in my book series.  In fact, I'm very happy that its out there at all and extremely appreciative of the people who have read it and encouraged me to "get it out there".  I think the story is awesome and I spend as much time rereading my own books as I do other works.  Yes, there's the occasonal "cringe" over missed typos or passages that could have been written a little better.  But I feel in the context of over 5000 written pages, those are minor.

So how is this year progressing?  Well, Whisper in the Universe has been published.  At the moment, I think it's the best book of the ten that are available.  I have started writing Balance of War, but am not as far along as I'd like.  It's a very tight balancing act, because war is being waged across Verdan and I have to keep all the various actions in sync.  I've written the first four chapters and I'm still less than an hour from the conclusion of Whisper.

Why am I not further along?  Well, life has a way of happening.  Writing is my passion, but its still a hobby in comparison to my day job that pays the bills.  And after 39+ years of employment, my employer has decided to consolidate several departments to select cities, mine not being one of them.  What does this mean?  Well, first it does create some stress and periods where its hard to focus on writing.  Although, I'm certain somewhere down the road I'll be able to channel those feelings into my characters.  Feelings of loss will be important in Balance of War and this may help in that regard.

In the meantime, I continue to do several kindle giveaways.  But those are likely to come to an end when my job goes away later this year.  I have been contacted by several companies that would like to help me market my books.  After researching, a couple appear to be obvious scams with internet stories of money being lost with no services delivered.  I think it's pretty evil to prey upon people's hopes and dreams. 

Some companies appear totally legit and I have no doubt they could help me.  The problem is this.  All they can really do is increase exposure and maximize the possibility of people discovering your books.  They can really guarantee nothing.  There are literally millions of published books out there and over a hundred thousand are fantasy/sci fi.  I'm certain that many of them are pretty good.  Not all of them can become a bestseller.  So in the end, you pay a company thousands of dollars to promote your books.  Only a limited number will "catch on".  For the rest, the company can say they've done their best and since they already got paid, they just move onto the next author.  They make money through sales, not through making sure your book sells.  That's not to say they won't help many authors, but its still like gambling and with my job situation, that is a non-starter.

So what are my plans?  I will continue to write.  I will continue to do what I can to get my books into the hands of anyone who wants to read them.  I will continue my giveaways at least through September.  It gets "iffy" after that.  I will do small promotional events, like the recently announced calendar.  It really does look very awesome.  For more frequent updates, I highly recommend following VerdanChronicles on Facebook.  Balance of War will be published in 2020.  The final book will tentatively be published in 2021.  It will be the final book in the Verdan Chronicles.  I can't tell you why, but I know how it ends and there really will be no continuation of the series.

However...and we'll see how this works out, I do have an idea for a spin-off story.  It may be something I only publish online.  We'll see.   So, I hope everyone enjoyed their summer and I will really try not to be gone as long this time.  I have some exciting stuff planned for this site as well.  But it may be late this year before I get to it.