
March Madness

A quick update and a reminder to kick off the month.

First, I'm in the middle (literally) of my final edit on Blood and Magic.  I expect to send the completed version to Lulu sometime next week.  We're probably still a few weeks away from it being available online.  My "day job" has been kind of crazy lately, so it could be late April or even May before I start the publishing effort on Volume 9, The Fifth Age.  I can't believe this initial journey is almost over. goes the effort to create awareness around these books?  The GoodReads giveaway ended back on 2/18 and all the books were mailed out to winners earlier this week.  No feedback on that front yet.

The Amazon giveaway ended on 2/26.  It ended with 598 entrants.  9 of the 10 winners have claimed their kindle version of The Fourth Age.  No feedback on that front yet either.

Thus far no known sales have come from these efforts, but if purchases were made through Amazon, Barnes and Noble or other sites I usually don't find out about it for several weeks.  I know for a fact that a number of books were purchased on 2/16 (I purchased them for the giveaway) and I still haven't received notification of that purchase.  So no worries there yet.

As far as the future, I hope to have an announcement next week that will be pretty cool if it materializes.  I'm going to remain "hush" for now.

Now for the reminder.  If you would like a hard copy of any of my books please buy them directly from Lulu.  Watch for specials (I try to tweet many of them) and you can avoid shipping cost and sometimes get a discount on top of it.  You will not find a hard copy cheaper than at Lulu.  I totally agree with anyone who feels the hard copies are overpriced on Amazon or other online retailers.  I have little control over that.  I think I've explained that in the past.  Less than 10% of that money goes to me and if I reduce the price almost 100% of that price reduction comes out of my 10%.  This is just a caution for other would-be self-publishers.  I might have more options on Amazon if I published directly with them, but that wasn't an option when I started down this path.


The Fourth Age Giveaways

Just a quick update.  The GoodReads Giveaway of Volume 1 - The Fourth Age ends in less than three hours.  I didn't know what to expect, but am humbly surprised the entrants have hit 1228 as of the time of this blog.  Even more encouraging are the 389 people who have added the book to their "to read" list.  It's probably more than that given the delayed update in these totals.  I wish all the entrants good luck and hope you are not disappointed with book.

One of the highlights of the day has been the addition of a new review by someone named Valencia.

I haven't actually read this book but the design looks amazing and I'm dying to read it! I'll update my review when i do!! Can't wait!

I could not agree more regarding the design.  I can't thank Amy Nagi enough for working her magic on the covers.  I usually send her a few ideas in order of preference, she offers her suggestions and then I finalize the cover subject.  I send her some excerpts from the book describing the subject.  By the time I get her initial sketches I am astounded by how close it resembles the picture in my head.  I'm still trying to figure out how she does that.  She's amazing.

For those unaware, I have also initiated a second giveaway on Amazon for 10 kindle versions of the first book to be given away next Sunday night.  I started this two days ago and already have over 400 entrants.  If nothing else, I can no longer say that no one has heard of the book.  Good or bad, I may find out soon what others think.  It's both scary and exciting.  If you do start this journey and you find any aspect of the first book interesting, I encourage you to stick with it.  Each volume peels back more layers of the characters and the plot.  If you think you have it all figured out, think again.

I encourage everyone to leave me a note or ask a question in the discussion forum.  If you do read the book and have specific questions, please put "SPOILER" in the subject.  I will respond as quickly as I'm able.  Below is the link to the Amazon giveaway.

The Fourth Age:  Verdan Chronicles Volume 1 Amazon Giveaway

Edit:  The Goodreads giveaway has ended.  Congratulations to the ten winners!  I sincerely hope you enjoy the book.  In the end, 1279 people entered the giveaway.

For any authors out there, I am told that these giveaways do eventually result in sales, but we'll have to wait and see.  Of course entrants are not likely to buy anything until the giveaway ends and then there are significant lags between the time of a sale and when any author royalties are reported back to lulu.  The only sales I would know about immediately are those made at  With other retailers like Amazon or Barnes and Noble it can be several days to several weeks before you see the results.


Welcome & Where Can I Buy This Wonderful Series?

Ok, so the second part of the title is a little tongue in cheek.  I do sincerely welcome anyone who finds this website.  There's a lot of material here written over the past eight years.  Mostly, it has served as a diary of my publishing journey and a way to document a lot of thoughts that went into the story.  Some of those thoughts are still unfinished.  I guess I've been waiting for you, the reader (or prospective reader) to let me know what you'd like to see.  Comments and questions in the discussion forum are also welcome.  I will reply to as many as I can.

So, you found the site or you found the books mentioned online.  You'd like to give them a shot, but like most people have limited funds.  Where to buy?  I've covered a lot of this before, but here goes.

If you want a physical copy of the softcover version, you need to go to  Your best bet is to search by author name using 'David Gerspach'.  Or you can click the link below.

Verdan Chronicles at

The cost of a softcover book at Lulu is $16.19.  You can read some older blogs if you want to know how that was arrived at.  That is the cheapest price you'll find online.  Although, I do encourage you to check out Lulu's daily offerings.  Very often you can get another 10% to 20% off that price and sometimes you can get free shipping.  So it is possible to get the book for less than $13.  If I see a particularly good offer, I will very often tweet it.

Let's say you prefer to read an eBook.  You can download a copy from Lulu at $4.99 for the first book and $5.99 for the others.  I think the version they offer is readable on several platforms, but my advice is to go to your favorite online book site and purchase there.  The price will be the same or less and you'll get it in the best possible format for your device.

Again, you can go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble or other sites and search by the author name, 'David Gerspach' or use one of the links below.

Verdan Chronicles at Amazon

Verdan Chronicles at Barnes and Noble

It's available at many other locations like the ibookstore, Kobo, etc.  I would recommend checking it out at GoodReads.  Use the link below and from their you can see links to the many other stores.

Verdan Chronicles on GoodReads

I think if you give this series a shot, you may find you like it.  There are a couple of reader reviews for the first book out there.  These reviews were unsolicited, but in the interest of full disclosure, I do know the reviewers personally.

From GoodReads

Transmute Jun rated it really liked it (4 out of 5 stars)
I read this book a couple of years ago, when it was available on Amazon. This is an epic tale of the struggle between 'good' and 'evil', as experienced by a wide range of characters in different groups across a detailed word. It is clear that the author put a lot of time and effort into creating this universe and ensuring that all of the characters' storylines intersected in a smooth fashion, instead of the disjointed nature you can sometimes see in other books. As a reader, it takes a little time to get into the story because there are so many different characters at first, and you do need to invest in it a bit to really pick up on the different plot threads and see where everything is going. This is probably the main weakness of the book: so many characters at once means there isn't an instant 'hook', but those who read on will see a payoff. 

If you like an epic fantasy story with a big cast of characters, then you should give the Verdan Chronicles a try.

From Amazon

Format: Kindle Edition  Verified Purchase (5 out of 5 stars)

I don't normally write reviews, but I've now read the first four volumes in the "Verdan Chronicles" (all are available on Kindle!). Mr. Gerspach, while following some of the established motifs created by other fantasy series, really makes the characters and plot all his own. He does an excellent job of imagining and defining his characters and gives them their own unique voices. The plot unfolds in unexpected ways and kept me entranced and entertained throughout. While these are self-published, its obvious that the author has taken care to ensure that his tales are written professionally. I look forward to reading the remaining series (hopefully they are all released in e-book format soon)!



In the Beginning...

I've been blogging out here for several years now.  It's sort of been a personal diary (as if a non-marketed site for a non-marketed series would find readers).  It's also been fun.  But with the upcoming promotion in GoodReads, I am hoping a few people might stop in and check things out.

Recommendation:  Check out the Cover Art by Amy Nagi.  She's amazing.

The following paragraphs are intended to give you background into the roots of this series.  I've covered much of this in earlier blogs, but there is no need to go back and reread past musings.  I will provide this WARNING.  As I discuss where this series came from, there will be some SPOILERS.  I don't think they are major, but if you want to be totally surprised, you may not want to read this.  


The beginning was somewhere around 1980, give or take a year or two.  I'm still in college at this point, but getting ready to graduate soon (Undergraduate degree in Accounting).  I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons with some friends and I've spent the past year creating a massive adventure I wanted to unleash upon them for a series of adventures.  But just as I'm ready to roll it out, one my friends decides its time to put D&D aside and move on with life.  We're still friends today, but he just decided to spend his time on other pursuits.  No hard feelings there.

The timing felt right to another friend and thus our D&D group disbanded.  My adventure maps, notes and NPC character sheets remained stacked in a drawer.  Ah, but the glorious adventures I imagined in my mind just wouldn't go away.  And I didn't want to forget them.  And so I started writing an adventure as if we were still playing the game.  But it was written in a style where I was chronicaling an adventure as if it already took place.  It was all past tense.  It wasn't intended to be a book at this point, but just a stack of pages summarizing the adventure.

Move forward about a year or two.  Now I'm working full time at an entry level job.  I've gotten married and we've moved into a small apartment.  No kids yet, but we have our first pet cat, Fluffy.  Anyway. I decided to turn my pages of chronicles into a book.  The originally planned adventure included a journey through a system of tunnels (this later became the basis for the trip through the Khanian Mountains), a large city the adventurers could eventually be based out of (this later became the basis for Izmira) and a dangerous quest to acquire three powerful artifacts (this was the basis for the Dragon artifacts).  A major threat or villain was needed and thus Terek was born.

As I turned these adventures into a story, my original plan was to write a trilogy.  They were going to be named, The Crown of Dragons, The Sceptre of Dragons and The Shroud of Dragons.  I took my original NPCs and came up with more elaborate backgrounds for each.  I created a journey for them and split them into two groups.  I decided that if I was going to track their journey, I needed a map.  And thus I created the known civilized world.  And then I had to give it a name.  Verdan was born, but it really was just a name that stuck and has no other particular meaning.

I decided that I needed a high level outline or roadmap for my series to follow.  It was important to me that all the events in the story eventually tied into the larger storyline.  As the outline developed I realized that I had more story to tell than could fit in a trilogy.  After I completed the Dragon Artifact Trilogy, I was going to transition into a storyline about the The Stones of Power (the basis for the Dewnor Power Stones).  My thoughts were leaning toward six books, then twelve and eventually I settled back to nine.  I had my high level storyline.  The artifacts now took a back seat to telling the story of these characters and their journey through life.  The story was going to be about life itself.

And then I finally realized the story I really wanted to tell.  Flashback a half dozen years to 1974 or 1975.  I'm still in high school taking a class on Science Fiction.  We were reading Bradbury, Asimov and other classic SciFi writers.  We had an assignment to write a short story and I ended up telling a tragic tale about someone who learned a secret that undermined their beliefs.  In the end, they couldn't live with the truth and comitted suicide.  

I'm not going to go into any more details, because it would give away far too much of the Verdan Chronicles.  Suffice it to say that I have beliefs about the universe that many people would reject.  That's ok, they are for me.  The character in my short story represented the general population and their suicide represented their rejection of the truth.  Seriously, I'm not a dark person and have never personally entertained thoughts of suicide, but it felt right in the story.  I got an A on the assignment, but sadly never saved that paper, so it is forever lost.  And while my beliefs have since matured, they didn't fully go away and became the true basis for the series.  This is when the title The Fourth Age was born.

Back to the Verdan Chronicles.  And so I took my original D&D adventure chronicles and turned it into a story.  At this point I was handwriting the story during breaks at work (I was working third shift at the time) and then retyping them (on a typewriter) at home.  I still have those original writings and typewritten pages.  Although the book your reading has gone through about nine more rounds ot editing.  My apologies for that, because I really believe the last edit or two may have made some portions worse rather than better.  Although I can honestly say that 90% of the story or more has remained intact throughout all the edits.

This went on for a year or two and then my "job" became a "career" and I started getting promotions.  I went back to school for my MBA degree and my wife and I celebrated the birth of our son (first of two).  I only had a little over a half of a book done at this point (along with a high level outline for the series), but I put it aside.  Life took over.  About a dozen years later I made an attempt to resurrect the story and wrote maybe another six to eight chapters.  And then life took over again.

It wasn't until 2007 that I realized the story was still important to me.  It wasn't important that it be published or that others read it, but I really wanted to finish it.  I knew how the story would end, but I really didn't know the fate of each of my characters.  I wanted the story to dictate that.  And so finishing the series became a bucket list item.  if you want to know how it evenually became published, then I will refer you to earlier blogs.  And here we are.  All nine books in the original story are done.  The first seven are published and you can expect the last two to be published later this year.  The story is done, but the journey for Verdan and some of the characters has some pages left to turn.  And thus I'm working on a tenth book (possibly an eleventh and twelvth), but those won't be published unless there are actual others interested in reading them.

And that takes me back to you.  I do hope you enjoy the series.  I think the writing is good, but it is still an area I need to work on.  I probably always will.  But I offer no apologies for the story.  It came out perfectly like I wanted it to.  It encompasses all the familiar thoughts and elements that I've enjoyed in other stories, but brings them together into an overarcing (and I hope unique) tale.


Happy Holidays - Status of the Chronicles (Updated)

I sincerely hope everyone is enjoying a wonderful holiday season, regardless of which holiday you celebrate.  Christmas 2016 is almost in the rearview mirror and I thought it might be a good time to reflect on just where I'm at in this series.  I posted a blog over a year ago and have been periodically editing it (with a link in the discussion forum).  I thought it was time to reproduce it in a blog and preface it with some commentary.

For those who aren't familiar with the origins or this tale, let's just say that the Verdan Chronicles has been bouncing around in my head for over thirty years.  About eight or nine years ago I decided that before my life ends I really wanted to see the story on paper and see how it all plays it.  And so I spent seven years writing nine books and through my son I toyed with self-publishing them so that I (and a few friends) could experience them first hand.

That part of the journey ended almost two years ago and since them I've been focused on doing the best job I can self-publishing and then seeing if there is any interest from others in reading them.  So, here's where I'm at.


  • All nine books have gone through another 2-3 rounds of editing.  I'm sort of at the point where some edits are actually making the books worse rather than better.  I've at least temporarily plateaued as an author.
  • The first six books are completely published and available through all major online book retailers (i.e. Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc).
  • The seventh book should be available within the next few weeks.
  • The eighth and ninth books will be published in 2017.  I already have a cover for the eighth book and Amy will like start on the ninth after the first of the year.
  • Outside of an email blitz after the first book was published, I've made no marketing efforts.  So how many books are 'out there'.  Through almost exclusive interest by friends I've sold 37 books and have given away another 28 to potential readers (so I guess that's 65).
  • My first real marketing effort will be a Giveaway of the first book through Goodreads.  I expect that to occur in January and we'll see how that goes.
  • My interest in writing has not waned with the completion of the nine book saga, nor did I feel I had exhausted all that Verdan has to offer.  As a result, I did start writing again this past summer (after 1 1/2 year hiatus) and have the first two chapters for a volume 10 complete.  Whether they are ever published will depend upon my financial situation at the end of 2017.


So there's the commentary.  Below are the details.

The Fourth Age

  • Publish start 11/20/2014
  • Publish complete 1/15/2015
  • Days to Publish 56
  • Duration of Author Effort - 16 days
  • Duration of Lulu Effort - 40 days
  • Goodreads Offer
    • Ordered on 10/7
    • Returned questionnaire on 10/10
    • Marketing draft received on 10/20 for wrong book (Volume 3).  Lulu Error
    • Process restarted on 12/15.
    • Rereturned questionnaire on 12/15
    • Marketing draft received on 1/2 and approved.  
    • Campaign launched on 1/20
    • 2/18 update - 853 entered giveaway, 289 added book to "to read" list
    • Campaign scheduled to end on 2/18 at 11:59pm
  • Amazon Kindle Offer
    • Started on 2/16
    • 2/18 update - 336 entries
    • Campaign scheduled to end on 2/26 at 11:59pm

Dark Passages

  • Publish start 2/10/2015
  • Publish complete 4/23/2015
  • Days to Publish 72
  • Duration of Author Effort - 30 days
  • Duration of Lulu Effort - 42 days

Heroes of Bardoom

  • Publish start 9/1/2015
  • Publish complete 1/6/2016
  • Days to Publish 117
  • Duration of Author Effort - 12 days
  • Duration of Lulu Effort - 115 days

Broken Circle

  • Publish start 12/28/2015
  • Publish complete 1/28/2016
  • Days to Publish 31
  • Duration of Author Effort - 10 days
  • Duration of Lulu Effort - 21 days

Against All Gods

  • Publish start 2/5/2016
  • Publish complete 3/9/2016
  • Days to Publish 33
  • Duration of Author Effort - 15 days
  • Duration of Lulu Effort - 18 days

Council's End

  • Publish start 9/9/2016
  • Publish complete 11/11/2016
  • Days to Publish 68
  • Duration of Author Effort - 16 days
  • Duration of Lulu Effort - 52 days

Out of Time

  • Publish start 11/14/2016
  • Publish complete 1/13/2017
  • Days to Publish 60
  • Duration of Author Effort - 9 days
  • Duration of Lulu Effort - 51 days
  • eBook available at Retail sites - In progress

Blood and Magic

  • Final Draft - Complete
  • Format and Review - Complete
  • Final Edit and Review - Complete
  • Cover Subject Agreed Upon - Complete
  • Cover Illustration - Complete
  • Submission to Lulu - Complete
  • Content Evaluation - Complete
  • Lulu Cover Design - In Progress
  • Lulu Interior Design - In Progress
  • Final Proofread and Corrections - Not Started
  • Softcover published on Lulu - Not Started
  • eBook formatted and published on Lulu - Not Started
  • Softcover available at Retail sites - Not Started
  • eBook available at Retail sites - Not Started

The Fifth Age

  • Final Draft - Complete
  • Format and Review - Complete
  • Final Edit and Review - Complete
  • Cover Subject Agreed Upon - Complete
  • Cover Illustration - In progress (initial sketch done and approved, Amy working on color version)
  • Submission to Lulu - Not Started  (target April 2017)
  • Content Evaluation - Not Started
  • Lulu Cover Design - Not Started
  • Lulu Interior Design - Not Started
  • Final Proofread and Corrections - Not Started
  • Softcover published on Lulu - Not Started
  • eBook formatted and published on Lulu - Not Started
  • Softcover available at Retail sites - Not Started
  • eBook available at Retail sites - Not Started

Whisper in the Universe (working title for volume 10)

  • High level outline (identify main protagonists/antogonists and themes) - complete
  • Complete initial draft - In Progress (8%)
  • Complete second draft - Not Started
  • Complete final draft - Not Started
  • Complete format and final edits - Not Started
  • Initial Publishing Effort - Not Started (estimated late 2017 to early 2018)

Last Updated on February 18, 2017

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